OP 23 June, 2020 - 09:19 PM
As I think it was not very clear with the API documentation (I had to find random threads and ask a staff for the group values etc), I thought I'd help you guys out now that I know how it works. I wrote a simple Python script that helps you authenticate your programs you want to upload on cracked.to.
from requests import post
from subprocess import check_output
uuid = check_output('wmic csproduct get uuid').decode().split('\n')[1].split(' ')[0]
key = str(input('> Authentication Key: '))
data = {
'a': 'auth',
'k': key,
'hwid': uuid
# premium_plus = ['11', '12', '93', '96', '97', '99', '100', '101', '4', '3', '6', '94', '92']
infinity_plus = ['12', '93', '96', '97', '99', '100', '101', '4', '3', '6', '94', '92']
# supreme_plus = ['12', '96', '97', '99', '100', '101', '4', '3', '6', '94', '92']
check = post('https://cracked.to/auth.php', data = data)
if 'error' not in check.text:
group = check.json()['group']
if group in infinity_plus:
print('\n> Successfully authenticated.')
print('\n> You need to be at least Infinity+ in order to gain access.')
elif 'invalid key' in check.text:
print('\n> Invalid authentication key.')
elif 'invalid hwid' in check.text:
print('\n> HWID mismatch. Create a new authentication key.')
As you can see, I have 3 lists: premium_plus, infinity_plus and supreme_plus. However, I have commented out all of the lists except infinity_plus because I want Infinity+ users to be able to use this test program. Let's say you wanted Supreme+ users to use your program, then you would comment the infinity_plus list and uncomment the supreme_plus list. Once you've done that, you're almost done. Now you just have to replace "infinity_plus" in "if group in infinity_plus" to "supreme_plus".
Also, it does not really matter what Hardware ID you choose to authenticate with. I've seen C# developers use HWID whilst Python developers prefer to use UUID.
If you have never used a cracked.to authenticated program with your Authentication Key, it would attach that Hardware ID that the developer has chosen to check for. So if it returns "invalid hwid" then just create a new key at https://cracked.to/auth.php and retry.