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27 November, 2024 - 06:42 PM
This post is by a banned member (naxo99yasuo) - Unhide
28 November, 2024 - 12:17 AM
(11 November, 2024 - 05:33 PM)PulseOrbit Wrote: Show MoreAUTO-Grabber-Cracker-RDP-Checker is a specialized tool designed to automatically search, collect, crack, and verify Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) credentials from various sources.
This tool would be aimed at automating processes that assist in gathering and validating access points to remote systems.
Auto-Grabber: The tool automatically searches and collects potential RDP credentials from multiple sources, including public lists, databases, or through web scraping methods.
Cracker: It attempts to break passwords or authenticate login details by brute-force or dictionary attacks, aiming to crack weak passwords associated with the collected credentials.
RDP Checker: This module verifies if the cracked or collected RDP credentials are valid and active by attempting to establish a remote connection. This ensures that only functional RDP connections are saved. ASDASDASJAL;SALSDA
This post is by a banned member (efesafak) - Unhide
28 November, 2024 - 01:32 AM
[font][font]arka kapakgbfgbfgbgfbfgbfgbfgb[/font][/font]
This post is by a banned member (alaa1233) - Unhide
28 November, 2024 - 01:33 AM
This post is by a banned member (hinerdymurdy) - Unhide
28 November, 2024 - 01:43 AM
(11 November, 2024 - 05:33 PM)PulseOrbit Wrote: Show More[font][font]AUTO-Grabber-Cracker-RDP-Checker, çeşitli kaynaklardan Uzak Masaüstü Protokolü (RDP) kimlik bilgilerini otomatik olarak aramak, toplamak, kırmak ve doğrulamak için tasarlanmış özel bir araçtır. [/font][/font]
[font][font]Bu araç, uzak sistemlere erişim noktalarını toplamaya ve doğrulamaya yardımcı olan süreçleri otomatikleştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. [/font][/font]
[font][font]Auto-Grabber:[/font][/font][font][font] Araç, genel listeler, veritabanları veya web kazıma yöntemleri dahil olmak üzere birden fazla kaynaktan olası RDP kimlik bilgilerini otomatik olarak arar ve toplar. [/font][/font]
[font][font]Cracker:[/font][/font][font][font] Kaba kuvvet veya sözlük saldırıları ile parolaları kırmaya veya oturum açma bilgilerini doğrulamaya çalışır ve toplanan kimlik bilgileriyle ilişkili zayıf parolaları kırmayı hedefler. [/font][/font]
[font][font]RDP Checker:[/font][/font][font][font] Bu modül, kırılan veya toplanan RDP kimlik bilgilerinin geçerli ve etkin olup olmadığını uzak bir bağlantı kurmaya çalışarak doğrular. Bu, yalnızca işlevsel RDP bağlantılarının kaydedilmesini sağlar.[/font][/font]
This post is by a banned member (fabdor1) - Unhide
28 November, 2024 - 01:45 AM
(11 November, 2024 - 05:33 PM)PulseOrbit Wrote: Show MoreAUTO-Grabber-Cracker-RDP-Checker is a specialized tool designed to automatically search, collect, crack, and verify Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) credentials from various sources.
This tool would be aimed at automating processes that assist in gathering and validating access points to remote systems.
Auto-Grabber: The tool automatically searches and collects potential RDP credentials from multiple sources, including public lists, databases, or through web scraping methods.
Cracker: It attempts to break passwords or authenticate login details by brute-force or dictionary attacks, aiming to crack weak passwords associated with the collected credentials.
RDP Checker: This module verifies if the cracked or collected RDP credentials are valid and active by attempting to establish a remote connection. This ensures that only functional RDP connections are saved.
This post is by a banned member (mitclass) - Unhide
29 November, 2024 - 09:19 AM
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29 November, 2024 - 05:09 PM