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Recognition of Loyal Members / Careful You Too Cold Get Banned

by sagrebuke - 02 January, 2020 - 12:37 AM
This post is by a banned member (sagrebuke) - Unhide
5 Years of service
Just passing along my reply to me being banned for what I feel are unjust reasons....

So that's it im banned for good? Over files I never posted and warnings I never got? Crazy man....I guess this shows how loyal is to its productive and dedicated members. You guys just gonna shit on me because my account was compromised? I could swear I remember when an elite member of this forum fucked up and got all of our accounts compromised (700,000 of them) and he's still here, even tho all our email/passowords are now public. But I get banned, because im not on the "cool guy list"? This should open the eyes of new members trying to make a name for themselves here, don't bother, cuz at the bat of an eye you to will get banned for some bullshit, and all your hard work, posting of premium accounts/leaks/tools EXCLUSIVELY here at doesn't count for squat. You would think with the kind of #'s I have put up, that an admin would at least listen to what I have to say and maybe have a conversation with me to see what really went down, so that they wouldn't lose a solid, devoted member. One that only posts his top quality shit at because  he thinks that with doing so he is held in a higher standard than the leechers and scrubs. And if a question of him being banned ever comes up that the powers at hand will consider and truly think about the contributions of this member before ultimately banning them without just cause. I'll tell you right now I haven't seen NOT ONE member posting the quality and volume of rare accounts that I have posted here. That shit should have counted for something.
This post is by a banned member (Barry) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
Which one was your account banned ? And staff team is strict in following rules here.. no matter what you did.. if you break any forum rule then you will get punished....

Your account safety is upto you. If it got compromised then its to you... you cant blame staff team for it.. they are doing their work to make a clean forum.
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This post is by a banned member (sagrebuke) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 02 January, 2020 - 02:31 AM by sagrebuke.)
my account is Sag.

Trust I get that and I agree to being punished. But a permanent ban? A little bit harsh wouldn't u say?

I mean come on, if I was a newb or a leecher, I get being banned. But a productive member? idk man

My account status is about the same as yours BarryXDAOT, in terms of threads, likes, etc.  would you be cool with being banned for same reason? I mean technically we are all suseptable to our accounts being compromised in the line of work that we do.

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