OP 08 August, 2020 - 10:00 PM
Stock X New Method
LOG IN WITH MOBILE DATA DONT USE VPN OR WIFI!!!. You must have a credit card connected to Stock X account!! 2.When you log in go to settings edit BUYING INFO and your going to add YOUR OWN credit card . Then EDIT the billing address to make it as desired shipping (the address you want to ship too) and make sure BILLING as SHIPPING ticked on at the bottom.3. Now go back onto edit buying info delete YOUR CREDIT CARD Make sure its YOURS and not his/hers and SELECT THERE CARD OR PAYPAL AS PAYMENT.4. Close the app down 5. Go back into Stock X, it should be glitched out, saying your details for billing and shipping but there CC/PP for payment. If it doesnt say there CC or PP then just re-select it.6. Now select the item you want and order it.7. Once ORDERED use FLOODCRM Email bomber to bomb holders email! THIS IS A MUST!
Enjoy, make sure to leave a like :)
(Any lechers will get reported)
LOG IN WITH MOBILE DATA DONT USE VPN OR WIFI!!!. You must have a credit card connected to Stock X account!! 2.When you log in go to settings edit BUYING INFO and your going to add YOUR OWN credit card . Then EDIT the billing address to make it as desired shipping (the address you want to ship too) and make sure BILLING as SHIPPING ticked on at the bottom.3. Now go back onto edit buying info delete YOUR CREDIT CARD Make sure its YOURS and not his/hers and SELECT THERE CARD OR PAYPAL AS PAYMENT.4. Close the app down 5. Go back into Stock X, it should be glitched out, saying your details for billing and shipping but there CC/PP for payment. If it doesnt say there CC or PP then just re-select it.6. Now select the item you want and order it.7. Once ORDERED use FLOODCRM Email bomber to bomb holders email! THIS IS A MUST!
Enjoy, make sure to leave a like :)
(Any lechers will get reported)