(02 July, 2024 - 10:59 PM)JustyX Wrote: Show More
(02 July, 2024 - 07:34 PM)VZS Wrote: Show More
(02 July, 2024 - 07:19 PM)JustyX Wrote: Show More
I showed every single store you posted for EU stores, the other stores for USA etc are also public and all leaked. Now i can't show it like i showed the EU stores because i didn't save those ones and you kicked me from the mentorship. Even the OPSEC guide was a PDF taken from cracked, you didn't put minimal effort into a good mentorship, there is nothing private about it. You can't gather public info from cracked threads and make a mentorship with the same exact info.

Also sending your partners to harass me don't help the scam report.

I never sent anybody, you opened the public scam report, are you surprised that people saw?

It's your mentorship partners, one of them even sent me a private message on telegram after i told you about the issue trying to beef with me and claiming you made a storelist update with "crazy new stores" when in reality you just added more public stores taken from cracked like trezor.

again, I did not send anyone
Pls join new channel old got banned ))
[Image: vzsrefunds-sigg.gif]