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by Broke_Dev - 29 July, 2022 - 07:41 AM
This post is by a banned member (Broke_Dev) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread: NONE
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: A server with over 100 members nuked
Screenshots of Communication: Just before the nuke and he nuked so he could get mroe profits and promoted his own serviec
[Image: Screenshot_20220728-225601_Discord.jpg?w...height=473]
Additional Information: Would request all ip logs of the user or a amount of 250$ to be compensated as about more than 100$ per week 
Crypto address for a refund:
Btc: bc1q5uz869nlc3pjue9jh99wa3pj36ey8qqjf5tsdh
Ltc: LX9yD2KFbARmK1gyFjSu6GbP4pLEhYshmb
Eth: 0x27A47d7CA3bf6b212170D95BDA683aFD5eDBB6A5
Discord: DM

[Image: Comp-2.gif]
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @DrMH (DrMH) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
[Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
top ad by @briskybrisk [exp 14/07/24]

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mid ad [exp 15/07/24]

Taking care of's leechers. Every day.
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This post is by a banned member (DrMH) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 29 July, 2022 - 12:55 PM by DrMH. Edited 6 times in total.)
I would like to dispute this, there is enough proof of me not raiding. even the owner said i did not have access to the token that gave the raider access 
i will provide scressnhtos

First Screenshot: The owner the server pfp saying that I could not have done it at any point since I did not have access to the main's bots token(the one that gave the raider access to the server). 
Second Screenshot. The raider is the man with the puprle role and as you can see I am having some fun with him (The hewotic person knows me and is staff of Yup as well)
Continuing on. 
Third screenshot of me trying to get into contact with the raider (First message was at the begining of the raid we have no mutual firends only the pfp server where he is banned now at)
Fourth screenshot is another interaction with the raider during the raiding where we were convinced he was pfp ( by we I mean me and sckt who proposed it) at this time i was franctically making a discord server( will provide proof on a later screesnhot) to save what I could.

screenshot links have failed

Screenshot number 5: Here pfp the owner of the servers says that the only way someone must have gotten access is through replit or the rdp he purchased(we are talking about the master|main bot's token that was only stored there and only pfp knew of it)

Screenshot number 6: This is proof from my convo's with sckt (the email bomber guy) and audit logs that I created the server when we started getting raided (at this screenshot we were talking about it and sckt proposed that the only explaination must have been that pfp's ban from cracked io led him to nuking the server) 
Link1 where sckt notified me that pfp got banned and is prob him that is raiding us:
Link 2 where we are talking with sckt and I said i am gonna send the  inv in the server (without advertising cause that would bhe against pfp, addiitionaly it was mentioned that pfp takes a huge cut(40% get the devs, but at the day of the raid we decided that that was gonna raise to 70% for us the devs after me and he talked about it)
Link 3 some audit logs proof in addition to the screenshot above.

And some last Misc proof from the audit logs about this situation. 
Link1: noth the raider and pfp adding the "Main Bot" that we did not have access to.

Link2: , me trying to get pfp's tele from the owner of roid proxies

LInk3: , me trying to get pfp's tele from sistine in the heaven cloud discord, where pfp was co-owner  at.

As a closing note, I want to thank you for reading the wall of text. I have a lot more screenshot's or can get new ones to prove that I never at any point intended il-harm against pfp or his coding server. I have never scammed in my life because I consider it unethical (even against those who deseve it) and why would I do it against someone whose entire bussiness got destroyed. We have talked with pfp and he said he will quit bot development, (to add on that, we managed to save around 10 members from the initial 70 or so cause the raider kept deleting the invite and I did not wanna bother people by dming them) I also have vouches from tons of people that I have worked with and for and they know I would NEVER ever do such a thing.
This post is by a banned member (Broke_Dev) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Given the evidence i aggree
Due to the lesser amount of information given at the time i thought it was drmh
Discord: DM

[Image: Comp-2.gif]
This post is by a banned member (DrMH) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 29 July, 2022 - 03:12 PM by DrMH. Edited 1 time in total.)
Thank you so much for understanding and sorry for the whole situation and what happened. I am thankful we have resolved the dispute

@Liars we have resolved the dispute and we would like to request this thread to be closed.
This post is by a banned member (Liars) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
Solved, closed.
 [Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
Top spot ad by @briskybrisk [ EXP -5/18/2024]
[Image: 3KRc17x.gif]
Ad by @Bears - expiring 6/4/2024
[Image: Banner.gif]
AD by  @GoodEatsB4U exp 7/12/2024

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