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Scam Report: TheRadiant - $150 (Lumosity, Magai)

by zenw - 06 June, 2024 - 05:30 AM
This post is by a banned member (zenw) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 06 June, 2024 - 05:30 AM by zenw.)
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread:⭐RADIA...E-WARRANTY
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $150
Screenshots of Communication:
Additional Information:
Crypto address for a refund: TKZzUrDcB8YU2VvqZHbt9YygbnFw4DezPg (USDT TRC20)

Additional Information:

I am writing to report a scam by a member named TheRadiant . On March 26, 2024, I expressed interest in purchasing access to Coursera ($40), Lumosity ($60), and Magai ($90) from TheRadiant , totaling $190. While the Coursera access has no issues, I encountered significant problems with Lumosity and Magai.

Here is a summary of our interactions:

1. Initial Inquiry: On March 26, 2024, I inquired about purchasing Coursera, Lumosity, and Magai. Radiant provided the total price of $190 for all three services.

2. Payment: I made the payment using cryptocurrency as instructed by TheRadiant .

3. Login Information: On March 29, 2024, I received the login information for the services. However, I found that the Magai account had already exceeded its usage limit. I informed Radiant about this issue immediately. Additionally, I never received access to the Lumosity account.

4. Repeated Follow-Ups: Despite numerous follow-ups from my side, the issues remained unresolved. On April 1, 2024, Radiant assured me that the problem would be fixed within 48 hours, but nothing was done. On April 7, 2024, I notified Radiant that I still hadn't received access to Lumosity and the Magai account was still unusable.

5. Requests for Replacement: I requested a replacement for the Lumosity account or a switch to Klap. Radiant agreed to check but never confirmed. On April 24, 2024, Radiant finally provided a new email and password, but the account still had issues.

6. Continued Delays: Despite TheRadiant 's repeated promises to resolve the issue within 24 hours or to provide new accounts, as of May 12, 2024, I still had not received the working accounts. My last request for a new Magai account on May 21, 2024, and June 6, 2024, was ignored.

I am now requesting the following actions:

1. Provide a Working Magai Account: As I have paid for this service, I expect to receive a working Magai account.
2. Update the Price for Klap: I want Radiant to update the price for switching from Lumosity to Klap and confirm any additional payment needed.
3. Refund or Ban: If Radiant cannot fulfill these requests, I ask for a full refund of $150 or for Radiant to be banned from the forum to prevent further scams.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope this report will help in preventing further scams.
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @TheRadiant (TheRadiant) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
[Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
top ad by @briskybrisk [exp 14/07/24]

[Image: Banner.gif]
mid ad [exp 15/07/24]

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This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Not going to be checking whole logs from day 1 because as i see you dmed me 8hrs ago and prior to report o replied you already , i replied to you in 1minutes
your ticket is in queue for magai  [yes u dmed me on 21may , i missed the dm after it u dmed yesterday]

Lumosity idk what the issue is or what switch u want so dm again on tele

regarding "Repeated Follow-Ups" , If i dont reply within 24hrs please bump but if i have replied then atleast wait 36hrs before opening dispute

Running for more then 2year Upgrades of 150+ Services Done By Us 20000+ Customers 
[Image: SZXzx.gif]
This post is by a banned member (zenw) - Unhide
3 Years of service
Hi @TheRadiant

Thank you for your response. I'd like to clarify a few points:

1. Magai Account: I initially contacted you on March 29, 2024, about the issue with the Magai account exceeding its usage limit. Despite multiple follow-ups over the months, including messages on April 1, 7, and most recently on May 21 and June 6, 2024, the issue remains unresolved. Could you please prioritize this ticket and provide a working Magai account as soon as possible?

2. Lumosity Account: I never received access to the Lumosity account. Initially, I requested a switch to Klap and inquired about the price difference. I understand you might have missed my DM. Could you confirm if the switch to Klap is possible and provide an updated price if needed? If not, please provide the Lumosity account access immediately.

3. Response Time: While I appreciate your policy on response times, I have been following up for several months without resolution. My previous messages went unanswered for extended periods, causing delays in resolving these issues. I would appreciate it if you could address these concerns promptly.

Please let me know how we can resolve these issues and provide the services I've paid for or arrange for a refund if you cannot fulfill them.

Thank you.
This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(06 June, 2024 - 12:32 PM)zenw Wrote: Show More
Hi @TheRadiant

Thank you for your response. I'd like to clarify a few points:

1. Magai Account: I initially contacted you on March 29, 2024, about the issue with the Magai account exceeding its usage limit. Despite multiple follow-ups over the months, including messages on April 1, 7, and most recently on May 21 and June 6, 2024, the issue remains unresolved. Could you please prioritize this ticket and provide a working Magai account as soon as possible?

2. Lumosity Account: I never received access to the Lumosity account. Initially, I requested a switch to Klap and inquired about the price difference. I understand you might have missed my DM. Could you confirm if the switch to Klap is possible and provide an updated price if needed? If not, please provide the Lumosity account access immediately.

3. Response Time: While I appreciate your policy on response times, I have been following up for several months without resolution. My previous messages went unanswered for extended periods, causing delays in resolving these issues. I would appreciate it if you could address these concerns promptly.

Please let me know how we can resolve these issues and provide the services I've paid for or arrange for a refund if you cannot fulfill them.

Thank you.

Magai issue i have already replied to on telegram within 1minute of dming so idk why this dispute even containts that rest u r not getting any refund , regarding ur switch of lumosity this is not the place to talk about it telegram is so when you dm me for it i will take a look.

and well response time if you aint replied within 24hrs you dm got missed bump it as it doesnt take months for reply like yesterday you got reply in what 1minute?

Please DM me on telegram to solve this , i dont think this dispute require any further response from me here , i will be waiting for ur dm on tele

Running for more then 2year Upgrades of 150+ Services Done By Us 20000+ Customers 
[Image: SZXzx.gif]
This post is by a banned member (zenw) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(06 June, 2024 - 04:19 PM)TheRadiant Wrote: Show More
(06 June, 2024 - 12:32 PM)zenw Wrote: Show More
Hi @TheRadiant

Thank you for your response. I'd like to clarify a few points:

1. Magai Account: I initially contacted you on March 29, 2024, about the issue with the Magai account exceeding its usage limit. Despite multiple follow-ups over the months, including messages on April 1, 7, and most recently on May 21 and June 6, 2024, the issue remains unresolved. Could you please prioritize this ticket and provide a working Magai account as soon as possible?

2. Lumosity Account: I never received access to the Lumosity account. Initially, I requested a switch to Klap and inquired about the price difference. I understand you might have missed my DM. Could you confirm if the switch to Klap is possible and provide an updated price if needed? If not, please provide the Lumosity account access immediately.

3. Response Time: While I appreciate your policy on response times, I have been following up for several months without resolution. My previous messages went unanswered for extended periods, causing delays in resolving these issues. I would appreciate it if you could address these concerns promptly.

Please let me know how we can resolve these issues and provide the services I've paid for or arrange for a refund if you cannot fulfill them.

Thank you.

Magai issue i have already replied to on telegram within 1minute of dming so idk why this dispute even containts that rest u r not getting any refund , regarding ur switch of lumosity this is not the place to talk about it telegram is so when you dm me for it i will take a look.

and well response time if you aint replied within 24hrs you dm got missed bump it as it doesnt take months for reply like yesterday you got reply in what 1minute?

Please DM me on telegram to solve this , i dont think this dispute require any further response from me here , i will be waiting for ur dm on tele


Hi @TheRadiant

I appreciate your response, but I would like to clarify the issues further with evidence. Here is a screenshot of my recent communication attempts on Telegram regarding the Magai account:

[Telegram Screenshot]
[Image: Kdlyuaq_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand]

As you can see, I have been following up multiple times, including on May 13, 14, 21, and June 6, but I received only automated responses or confirmations that the issue is in queue without resolution.

Magai Account: The issue with the Magai account has been ongoing since March 29, 2024. Despite your recent replies, the fundamental issue remains unresolved for months. I need a working Magai account as soon as possible.

Lumosity Account: I have not received access to the Lumosity account. Initially, I requested a switch to Klap and inquired about the price difference. Since you mentioned discussing this on Telegram, I will DM you there to resolve this issue.

Response Time: While I understand your policy on response times, my previous messages went unanswered for extended periods, causing delays in resolving these issues. I would appreciate it if you could address these concerns promptly.

I will DM you on Telegram to resolve the Lumosity switch and Magai account issues. However, please understand that my main goal is to receive the services I've paid for or a refund if they cannot be provided.

Thank you for your attention to these matters.
This post is by a banned member (Darkness) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
@zenw Any updates on this? @TheRadiant If there was no resolution between you two, please either refund OP within 24hrs or deliver a working Magai & Lumosity account.
[Image: x3ZZJg3.gif]
[TOP SPOT] Ad by @Credential - Until 26.07

[Image: vUjneFC.gif]
[MIDDLE SPOT] Ad by @EPLUG - Until 25.08


Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the ads shown above. They're paid advertisements. Please make sure to confirm via PM before contacting me. I do not sell, buy or exchange anything. Be careful of impersonators & scammers.
This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(07 June, 2024 - 10:35 AM)Darkness Wrote: Show More
@zenw Any updates on this? @TheRadiant If there was no resolution between you two, please either refund OP within 24hrs or deliver a working Magai & Lumosity account.

magai issue he dmed me day before yesterday and its been resolved , waiting for him to dm me for Lumosity issue on tele to sort it out
Running for more then 2year Upgrades of 150+ Services Done By Us 20000+ Customers 
[Image: SZXzx.gif]

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