OP 16 July, 2020 - 06:28 AM
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/6HUNNA
[If Applicable] Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $2.5
Screenshots of Communication: will provide if necessary, even though its obvious he is exitscamming as he already has 2 open scam reports.
Additional Information: OP messaged me trying to convince me to buy 10 netflix accounts, I obviously denied and when he failed to convince, he agreed to sell 1 account. Deleted chat after the payment, but I already took screenshots . Here's the on site confirmation: https://prnt.sc/tio32s (in case he deletes: https://gyazo.com/8e0cf22436e3f31cf48501d378111ee2) and https://gyazo.com/caa29189348c9d657653663315994547
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund: dont really care about the money, just need the kid banned.
[If Applicable] Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $2.5
Screenshots of Communication: will provide if necessary, even though its obvious he is exitscamming as he already has 2 open scam reports.
Additional Information: OP messaged me trying to convince me to buy 10 netflix accounts, I obviously denied and when he failed to convince, he agreed to sell 1 account. Deleted chat after the payment, but I already took screenshots . Here's the on site confirmation: https://prnt.sc/tio32s (in case he deletes: https://gyazo.com/8e0cf22436e3f31cf48501d378111ee2) and https://gyazo.com/caa29189348c9d657653663315994547
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund: dont really care about the money, just need the kid banned.