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Scam report against @Antares

by thatmasterguy - 15 June, 2023 - 04:59 PM
This post is by a banned member (thatmasterguy) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 21 June, 2023 - 10:10 AM by thatmasterguy. Edited 1 time in total.)
Scammers Profile Link:
Buyers Bay Thread:
Amount: 400$
Items: Account Creator
Screenshots of communication:

*Sent to Liars, due to privacy issues* (Entire Conversation) (Payment and Proof of Work/Use Related) (Middlemen Group with Liars)

Also can send proof of working video in PM to @Liars or other staff

Additional Info:
To summarize the screenshots, Antares needed someone for a account creator for 400$ or as he said 200$ if he it didn't meet his expectations and wanted proof it works first. I made the tool, made it specifically to his requests, sent him a video of both a single account proof and then later for 150~ accounts being mass-generated. The tool was sent to him and there is proof of him using it as he comments on the output of the tool. Since then he has either complained about proxy issues or lack of time. He keeps promising he will have time to test soon, but soon has now been 13 days since he received the tool and has had more than 4 days with auth access.

Crypto Address for payment:
This post is by a banned member (Liars) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
@Antares Reply within 24 hours.
 [Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
Top spot ad by @briskybrisk [ EXP -5/18/2024]
[Image: 3KRc17x.gif]
Ad by @Bears - expiring 6/4/2024
[Image: Banner.gif]
AD by  @GoodEatsB4U exp 7/12/2024
This post is by a banned member (Antares) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 16 June, 2023 - 01:19 AM by Antares.)
As stated in the convo i never said i will pay for it i said work in it if i like it i will pay he agree’d in the convo as well i told him i need it to gen 1k accs in less then 1 hour he said that his program with 30-50 threads can generate 1000 accounts in 30 mins or less
This after he was done he ran a test with 30 threads in like 40 mins he generated 150 accounts which is like 8x less the amount we discussed so he didn’t meet the expectations he set for himself and the ones i set which is 1k in less then 30 min i dont see why i should buy it
When i never said i will buy it i told him work on it if its like i said then i will buy the mm group states it too it was a deal that might’ve happened not will 100% happen so no need for me to buy anything

This scam report should be closed
This was the start of convo
[Image: IMG_6656.png]
As you can see i said clearly if it meets every criteria which it didn’t as well as do it first then we will see
[Image: IMG_6655.png]
This is his dm saying that best case scenario it gets thrown out if i dont want so im not entitled to paying anything + i didn’t even try it he dropped a key for a day then license expired

@Liars everything is clear this should be closed
This post is by a banned member (thatmasterguy) - Unhide
2 Years of service
1. These are the messages relating to the price to performance ratio. He said even if it didn't fulfil his requirements, he would pay half. To me that sounds like a negotiated deal and not a maybe one.
[Image: 6pJJ8JS.png]
2. The tool could make 1k accounts in an hour, but video was ran on home PC with even less than 30 threads due to memory issues on my side. It's a thread-based tool, so you can always increase if the specs are there. And if even so as said, it still makes the accounts with all requirements and his argument to pay half would be valid nonetheless.
3. The only reason it may seem as a maybe deal as because he put a lot of attention on the fact he is a well trusted / well repped cracked member and a middlemen wouldn't be needed. That's why I didn't push him for mm payment, but just made a quick group with Liars to be sure.

I am not trying to trap him into payment for the tool, but I made him exactly what he asked for. I have spent significant hours into it and then after him having access to it for some time, he just ignores any payment-related talk feels like a scam to be. Still hope we can get this resolved, as said am more than happy to continue work if payment is agreed on.
This post is by a banned member (Antares) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 17 June, 2023 - 11:24 AM by Antares.)
No payment is agreed one as on screenshots i said if it meets the requirements it didnnt meet them at all you ran them at 30 threads it managed to do 150 accounts in 40 minutes which is terrible lets say i said half if performance aren’t met i said only if it does like 1k in 1 hour but from your test even that it couldn’t i told you max time is 1 hour and im not obliged to pay your trying to scam me onto paying something we both agreed in the beginning that if i dont want its my choice and it could be waved off

Pointing again evidence here
[Image: IMG_6655.png] btw this was our text yesterday
And this one in the beginning

I created the group with Liars incase i wanted to buy dont twist words im the one that created the group cause i thought it will meet the requirements and selenium we all know you need like a super expensive rdp if i wanna run 50 threads + his home pc that he tested have specs that are better then any rdp in the market so that ain’t a excuse as said im not paying coz everything was clear since the beginning if i want it then i will buy

On the screenshots i never said im well repped etc that is a lie again lying to make me pay for something that ain’t good/ working properly
2nd of all he said my point of paying half nonetheless but as you can see in the ss he said how much time for 1k if i wanted to pay half i told him you said 20-30 min i add 30 min to it which makes it 50 min that was the only way i’d pay 200 and it still wasn’t mett

He’s trying to trap me onto buying something that we both agree’d multiple times if i didn’t like i will not buy it wasn’t a necessity where i had to deposit half etc

Its like if im interrested in something and i dont buy it then you open a report and force me to buy it it doesn’t work like this
@Liars the case is very clear every screenshot was clear

[Image: IMG_6668.png]

More proof of him knowing and saying if not needed then lmk it was never something im obliged to buy hence why he put auth on it

Oh one more important detail he didn’t even give me the product so thats one more thing you gotta know which proves that it wasn’t a must buy and if i didn’t want it was fine as no delivery was done hence no scam since no purchase no product
This post is by a banned member (thatmasterguy) - Unhide
2 Years of service
We resolved this in private. Antares paid a lesser price for the tool, which includes a 5 day warranty after purchase. Future support after that will cost extra
This post is by a banned member (Darkness) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
[Image: x3ZZJg3.gif]
[TOP SPOT] Ad by @Credential - Until 26.07

[Image: vUjneFC.gif]
[MIDDLE SPOT] Ad by @EPLUG - Until 25.08

[Image: wstC0oL.gif]
[BOTTOM SPOT] Ad by @Inshadegang - Until 7.08

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the ads shown above. They're paid advertisements. Please make sure to confirm via PM before contacting me. I do not sell, buy or exchange anything. Be careful of impersonators & scammers.

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