OP 28 May, 2020 - 10:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 28 May, 2020 - 11:05 AM by G U C C I.
Edit Reason: Added information
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/BatteryLOW
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: N/A, this user gave me on 05 May on whisper discord user who is selling Pay P*l accounts/verified/, firstable want to note before I create this thread, i messaged context and KSZ about this scam report/ if im allowed to open it /, i will provide screenshots for proof of convo with the staff.
Chat with Context: https://prnt.sc/sp8i7q
Chat with KSZ: https://prnt.sc/sp8ihw
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $15
Screenshots of Communication: Screenshots of the conversation with the " advertised guy " from batterylow : https://imgur.com/a/wKlAe6I
Additional Information: https://prnt.sc/sp8npf <-- screenshot of batterylow's signature, advertising his discord. I waited 1 week for the stuff but nothing. Also you can see on the screenshots I scratched in black the " docs" which he sent to me but they're blurry and irrelevant to the pay p*l's name. If it needed, I can show them additionally to the staff in discord.
Also contacted St0rmm and he told me this: https://prnt.sc/sp8rtc also as St0rmm stating, they're collaborating.
This guy Infinit is owner of the forum nodex and his account is: https://cracked.to/Otimus
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund: I want what I paid for. if this cannot be happen, i'll additionally provide here in the thread address.
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: N/A, this user gave me on 05 May on whisper discord user who is selling Pay P*l accounts/verified/, firstable want to note before I create this thread, i messaged context and KSZ about this scam report/ if im allowed to open it /, i will provide screenshots for proof of convo with the staff.
Chat with Context: https://prnt.sc/sp8i7q
Chat with KSZ: https://prnt.sc/sp8ihw
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $15
Screenshots of Communication: Screenshots of the conversation with the " advertised guy " from batterylow : https://imgur.com/a/wKlAe6I
Additional Information: https://prnt.sc/sp8npf <-- screenshot of batterylow's signature, advertising his discord. I waited 1 week for the stuff but nothing. Also you can see on the screenshots I scratched in black the " docs" which he sent to me but they're blurry and irrelevant to the pay p*l's name. If it needed, I can show them additionally to the staff in discord.
Also contacted St0rmm and he told me this: https://prnt.sc/sp8rtc also as St0rmm stating, they're collaborating.
This guy Infinit is owner of the forum nodex and his account is: https://cracked.to/Otimus
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund: I want what I paid for. if this cannot be happen, i'll additionally provide here in the thread address.