If you say that I have leaked your content please provide evidence of that and do not shut up, do not talk at all, and do not try to deceive people. I am a person of dignity and competence, and I am not like you a fraudster and a deceiver
If you say that I have leaked your content please provide evidence of that and do not shut up, do not talk at all, and do not try to deceive people. I am a person of dignity and competence, and I am not like you a fraudster and a deceiver...
I demand, respectfully and transparently, to recover my money only, and I do not want anything else and everything will be fine. But if you are trying to manipulate and not respect the rules and people. I will do worse for you
You are a person seeking to collect money only and do not care about people's problems and do not appreciate their position. I want to get my money back and close this page
I only claim my right and I do not want anything else from you and I do not want you to lose