@Laiteux @DataTouch @Darkness I confirm that TRH and Kobz are carders, I was staff on their server and close to them, they send mass emails and do paypal phishing!
I show as much evidence as I can, one second
Also, they showed me how they carded Datatouch service
This post is by a banned member (kobzbinks) - Unhide
@Laiteux @DataTouch @Darkness I confirm that TRH and Kobz are carders, I was staff on their server and close to them, they send mass emails and do paypal phishing!
I show as much evidence as I can, one second
Also, they showed me how they carded Datatouch service
I see no evidence, no screens. It's nice to talk :D
This post is by a banned member (Belgium) - Unhide
@Laiteux @DataTouch @Darkness I confirm that TRH and Kobz are carders, I was staff on their server and close to them, they send mass emails and do paypal phishing!
I show as much evidence as I can, one second
Also, they showed me how they carded Datatouch service
Could you give some proof?
I rather think that you have hate because I banned you from my discord server and I refused to advertise your refund service. I don't see any proof of that ?
if it would be carding as you say so well, my discord would have been banned, but it's been going on for three years?
@Laiteux @DataTouch @Darkness I confirm that TRH and Kobz are carders, I was staff on their server and close to them, they send mass emails and do paypal phishing!
I show as much evidence as I can, one second
Also, they showed me how they carded Datatouch service
Could you give some proof?
I rather think that you have hate because I banned you from my discord server and I refused to advertise your refund service. I don't see any proof of that ?
if it would be carding as you say so well, my discord would have been banned, but it's been going on for three years?
" SELLING FR PAYPAL LIST " Mean french email list paypal targeted, so used for carding.
2ndIf this method is legal for you, then go give it to an admin for inspection! Will add more proofs
What a fake proof! Because your real discord is this: TRH#0090 https://gyazo.com/0f974397fb14a5c73104ea7222ebea57 https://i.imgur.com/TyZnSn2.png
You show a false id, false roles while you are in do not disturb mode!
@Laiteux @DataTouch @Darkness I confirm that TRH and Kobz are carders, I was staff on their server and close to them, they send mass emails and do paypal phishing!
I show as much evidence as I can, one second
Also, they showed me how they carded Datatouch service
Could you give some proof?
I rather think that you have hate because I banned you from my discord server and I refused to advertise your refund service. I don't see any proof of that ?
if it would be carding as you say so well, my discord would have been banned, but it's been going on for three years?
" SELLING FR PAYPAL LIST " Mean french email list paypal targeted, so used for carding.
2ndIf this method is legal for you, then go give it to an admin for inspection! Will add more proofs
What a fake proof! Because your real discord is this: TRH#0090 https://gyazo.com/0f974397fb14a5c73104ea7222ebea57 https://i.imgur.com/TyZnSn2.png
You show a false id, false roles while you are in do not disturb mode!
@Laiteux @DataTouch @Darkness I confirm that TRH and Kobz are carders, I was staff on their server and close to them, they send mass emails and do paypal phishing!
I show as much evidence as I can, one second
Also, they showed me how they carded Datatouch service
Could you give some proof?
I rather think that you have hate because I banned you from my discord server and I refused to advertise your refund service. I don't see any proof of that ?
if it would be carding as you say so well, my discord would have been banned, but it's been going on for three years?
" SELLING FR PAYPAL LIST " Mean french email list paypal targeted, so used for carding.
2ndIf this method is legal for you, then go give it to an admin for inspection! Will add more proofs
What a fake proof! Because your real discord is this: TRH#0090 https://gyazo.com/0f974397fb14a5c73104ea7222ebea57 https://i.imgur.com/TyZnSn2.png
You show a false id, false roles while you are in do not disturb mode!
Could you give some proof?
I rather think that you have hate because I banned you from my discord server and I refused to advertise your refund service. I don't see any proof of that ?
if it would be carding as you say so well, my discord would have been banned, but it's been going on for three years?
" SELLING FR PAYPAL LIST " Mean french email list paypal targeted, so used for carding.
2ndIf this method is legal for you, then go give it to an admin for inspection! Will add more proofs
What a fake proof! Because your real discord is this: TRH#0090 https://gyazo.com/0f974397fb14a5c73104ea7222ebea57 https://i.imgur.com/TyZnSn2.png
You show a false id, false roles while you are in do not disturb mode!
its not my discord ? my discord is :
and the person you show on your "selling mail paypal" screen is not on Cracked.to ? could you show the complete discord? because it's not a discord to sell services? the person you show is not even here or on the forum