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Scam report against @Rocxy

by CodBox - 11 August, 2023 - 03:27 AM
This post is by a banned member (CodBox) - Unhide
4 Years of service
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread: - 
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $25 - a few lines for a crypto gambling website (as well deal was supposed to be 50)
Screenshots of Communication: - TOS list - user saying there are no balances (even though he has no bal checker), for around 1000 valid lines in under 16 minutes (he must be really fast checking 1k lines in 16m lol) - 10% of the accounts made transactions (a config for balance check on is really hard, as well he uses a leaked one everyone has, will show it) - then ghosting, saying "long day", no worries - then saying all accounts are 0.00$ balance (even though he said in the convo that "0.00-0.50$ is pretty much 0.00$ balance cant cashout nothing" so not 0.00) - then showing me a picture of the account transactions (as he specified, he used his private config to get them, which he paid 110$ for LOL, purely a lie) - off topic, just funny lying about paying 110$ for a free shit - the config has the same miss type "Total Diposited"
if you don't trust me just search it, it's been leaked somewhere through cracked, anything it hasn't been edited since 2021 so yk

After I have a working config, I kindly ask him for proxies to check the issue, so I just decided to open a scam report
Additional Information:
The deal was supposed to be 50$, firstly I would send him the lines (around 2000), then he'd send the 25$, I'd send the rest of 3k (+1k bonus, just because I'm kind lol), then he'd send the rest of the money, so I believe I should get 50$, not just 25$, and I'd send him the rest of 3k then.
Crypto address for a refund: its 25$ idgaf ab them i want him banned for scamming
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @Rocxy (Rocxy) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
[Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
top ad by @briskybrisk [exp 14/07/24]

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mid ad [exp 15/07/24]

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This post is by a banned member (Rocxy) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (CodBox) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 11 August, 2023 - 08:39 PM by CodBox.)
(11 August, 2023 - 05:39 PM)Rocxy Wrote: Show More
To start off with, This person dms me with deals and what ever, tells me he has good lines etc etc, I did start off with 1k lines to check and see how good it was, hitrate was good (Could be planted hits could be real I dont know). At the end of the day, i just wanted him to dm liars on telegram to get a second opinion on a solution and outcome but nope childish kids. Also after trying to boast and flex that his lines are good etc etc, I said i simply didn't want to deal because no test lines was given until I eventually got to see what it is all about. After saying numerous times "Sorry i can't do that", "Please let me know fast I need to go out" and all that I declined his offers until he was able to provide test lines trying to force a deal but i didn't buy in until he gave me lines to try, BECAUSE FOR A FACT ive been in the scene long enough for people like this guy to be like "yeah yeah I got good lines look at my hits" then sends a screen shot and boasts but in the end you get nothing and its free money for them.

Okay to start off,
the tos was - given by the user
Now i proceeded to check the lines within matters of minutes seeing quickly how the quality was and as i knew no accounts have balances no accounts have active deposits everything from 2021-2022 nothing recent at all see PROOF: 

Proof: (1st account i login to) (2nd account) (3rd account) (4th account) (5th account)

I can go on, but there is about 130+ accounts, all which was checked for a few hours to make sure i get back to him with answers.

Now if we thinking about it, the TOS strictly says if all accounts have no balance then I will not go ahead with the deal. And yes I didn't pay him simply because the accounts was WAY WAY WAY WAY outdated and ofcourse had 0$ in balance not even 0.10$. If you put yourself in my shoes would you go ahead and pay knowing that you will get nothing back in the end ESPECIALLY with even 0.01$ to cashout.  Which in this case all accounts was dead and all accounts had no balances. I can send full lines to anyone for them to check and show it live and direct.

The config which i paid for I did pay 110$ but you can see that he said that I was "lying" and saying i used an outdated config that still works, Yes the capture and everything works, but the headers and API died so I got that reconstructed thinking 110$ was considered a good deal for the work done. This user then decides to try and say "Look even I have the config its leaked" yes it is but this guy just changed the capture to "Total Diposited" and I instantly spotted out that his config have the capture "Value: x, x, x" knowing that the config he has is completely different like how mine says it but in reality the config had "gamdom" which was named "gamdom - capture" I think proceed to ask okay who was the config made by and this was his response very funny to me I wont lie to you. FYI this cfg I found was on and leaked in 2022 not 2021 LOL.

Anyways it isn't about configs or what ever. Its the case of the TOS "IF NO ACCOUNTS HAD BALANCE" also he said "I cannot guarantee a cash out" but claims his been in this game for a long time. 

I explain to him and try to make him understand my situation but nope he didn't think it through, as he claims "Gamdom is dead" when there is chat that is always online and 1.4k active users, 2k at times , 3-4k at times. Im sure everyone before they where born knew that gamdom is a popular gambling site. - him claiming "its dead" - him claiming that he is now CEO of gamdom and knows the insides of "botting a platform for activity" LOL

At the end of the day, he wanted it the hard way out I said to him maybe instead of opening a scam report maybe talk to Liars and ask for his opinions and then we go on from there but skids like this guy loves to attention seek and what not. Moral of the story always Deal if tests are given even if its 1 account. 

Can provide refund if circumstances come to that no problems, but it is 25$ you'd say "its little money" at the end of the day everyone needs money and money is money.

Further elaboration can be provided if needed, thanks Liars for reading and coming to a conclusion if so

Funny that the message you sent got everything, but nothing about the deal real deal TOS:

All accounts are real people, nothing is mass created like other sellers
I don't keep warranty, if you do anything dumb and they get password changed or anything, not my issue
I don't guarantee high balances, even though I am sure there are, it's not checked data
The data is real, I can't know if you'd make profit or not

He claimed that some of the accounts had over 0.00 usd, that means they have balance, even it being 0.50$.
For anybody in the cashout from gambling websites party, we all know you have to check the accounts every 1-2h to see new deposits and such.

I don't give a fuck about your money, I'd like you to get banned to not waste anybody else's time

As well, he at the first deal tried to manipulate me into giving him data before hands, and when I tried to contact a middleman he agreed, got @Barry ready, then he shifted away (as usual scammer do LOL), @Barry can confirm I tried to use him as a mm but that guy wasted both my time and his (after getting a test, for both and

Don't claim shit that's not real, stop talking about everything that's not deal related, stop being a retard! <3

Can provide to any admin that the lines are real, but through telegram or private chat so I won't leak everything here, I've been in the domain for ages, and everybody know that.

Thanks for reading this out,
Liars you already know my telegram to contact me if anything
bye bye

Also, if it's possible to get faster replies, he just reply exactly before the time to get him banned, so time passes.
This post is by a banned member (Rocxy) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (CodBox) - Unhide
4 Years of service
I will start this again, with calling you a retard, as that's the only word that comes to my mind thinking of you.

Going to the UNI should teach you that 0.00 is not equal with anything higher than 0.00 (like 0.50$)

I sell legit accounts (as said before, they had transactions, year is not a filter state for me as that's not how it works), the TOS specified there has to be verified accounts and accounts with balance over 0.00$.

I can bet you never touched pussy, so please don't add it to the discussion, it's not a real call of anything here. Let's talk about the deal.

There is nothing else to say than: the deal TOS were respected by my side, so he is expected to pay / get banned for scamming, either way, ping me when everything is settled, useless to chat more.

This post is by a banned member (Rocxy) - Unhide
This post is by a banned member (CodBox) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(13 August, 2023 - 12:21 PM)Rocxy Wrote: Show More
(12 August, 2023 - 02:51 PM)CodBox Wrote: Show More
wI will start this again, with calling you a retard, as that's the only word that comes to my mind thinking of you.

Going to the UNI should teach you that 0.00 is not equal with anything higher than 0.00 (like 0.50$)

I sell legit accounts (as said before, they had transactions, year is not a filter state for me as that's not how it works), the TOS specified there has to be verified accounts and accounts with balance over 0.00$.

I can bet you never touched pussy, so please don't add it to the discussion, it's not a real call of anything here. Let's talk about the deal.

There is nothing else to say than: the deal TOS were respected by my side, so he is expected to pay / get banned for scamming, either way, ping me when everything is settled, useless to chat more.


"Touched pussy bro" - lol talking about a deal and you talking about touching pussy, probably touched more pussy than you have ever touched grass go and get some vitamins my boy. 

The tos is there and the things discussed, and which was fairly distributed and poor act from you.

Admins your call :) thanks.

Can any admin reply?

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