OP 03 February, 2022 - 10:40 AM
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.io/iamkakarot
Sales Thread: https://cracked.io/Thread-%E2%9C%85-GEFO...h-Duration
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: My access was gone from the mail + geforcenow account
Screenshots of Communication: User says its my fault for not changng the pass. But why should I he never told me before to do this and he says its
"FULLY PRIVATE". I'm not accepting a new account from this monkey
Additional Information: @iamkakarot Said someone probbably geussed my password & mail LMFAO. Then this morning he said "don't care tho" and then edited it to As you wish. I wasn't even gonna open a scam report but since he said this i'm gonna open one on this kiddo
Crypto address for a refund: Will add when user decides to refund
Sales Thread: https://cracked.io/Thread-%E2%9C%85-GEFO...h-Duration
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: My access was gone from the mail + geforcenow account
Screenshots of Communication: User says its my fault for not changng the pass. But why should I he never told me before to do this and he says its
"FULLY PRIVATE". I'm not accepting a new account from this monkey
Additional Information: @iamkakarot Said someone probbably geussed my password & mail LMFAO. Then this morning he said "don't care tho" and then edited it to As you wish. I wasn't even gonna open a scam report but since he said this i'm gonna open one on this kiddo
Crypto address for a refund: Will add when user decides to refund