(This post was last modified: 11 February, 2021 - 02:58 AM by Sango.)
----- Thread Bugs -----
When using Dog, Ban, Heart in a thread it's the old emoji
None of these work: :sleeping:, Bye, :waitno:, Sabers, multiriot, Box, Suit, Drive, Tos, :kill:, clown2, coffee, Hang, feelsamazin, :jam:, hide, Police, :monkaeyes:, :bruh:, no, Yes, Evil   :hammer:, :gun:, :pimp:, :pepothink:, :juice:, :butler:, Pizza, pepef, :shh:, Salami, Salami 2, Wine, Wash, :crab:, Pepe chair, topkek, Fat, MLGpepe, Bonk, Fiesta, Nooo, Cool Dog, Rip, Wow, :happyhabibi:, :beer:, :cheemsbonk:, smokingnigga, Weed, :amusing:, Zaida, :wtf:, :patpat:, catjam, :facepalm:, :wasosky:, ksz2, fatcat, Darkness 
Smiles section doesn't have all the Smiles

----- https://cracked.to/usercp.php?action=profile -----
The max chars for a Sellix link should be 34, not 50
The max chars for a BTC address should be 35, not 100
The max chars for Telegram should be 32, not 30
The max chars for Discord should be 37, not 30

\/----- just me being picky -----\/

----- https://cracked.to/usercp.php?action=theme_settings -----
The colons have a space in front of them: https://nulled.gay/hTreKv.png

----- https://cracked.to/usercp.php?action=forumsubscriptions -----
Usernames aren't styled: https://nulled.gay/Y0OXsZ.png

-----  https://cracked.to/usercp.php?action=editsig -----
The max chars shouldn't show 5: https://nulled.gay/RwbncI.png

----- Random Bugs -----
The word "I" isn't capitalized: https://nulled.gay/pvw352.png

I tested the smiles before the recent update