OP 27 July, 2019 - 12:14 PM
Just a few hours ago it became viral that a serial killer from Caracal, Romania aged 60+ had murdered 2 young, innocent and beautiful girls, aged 15 and 18. This case was a complete mess and only showed the incompetence and ignorance of the corrupt police and politicians of an EUROPEAN country. One girl, Alexandra, has called police (112) 3 times, talking to them for 20 minutes and telling them about what happened, she was scared and didn't even know where she was. Her mother was already worried and she was looking for her, WITH POLICE. Alexandra managed to call her mother too but the killer saw it and took her phone. Then the stupid killer just called the girl's mother from HIS phone number telling her that he will get the girl to either England or to the beach, he didn't decide yet. The killer eventually realized how stupid he was and then he decided to go on to the next level on stupidity: he called again to say that he was joking and the girl isn't at his place. It took police 19 hours, NINETEEN FUCKING HOURS, to go to the girls. This could've been done in maximum a couple of hours, but they did it in 19 hours. In this time the girls were abused. AND THEN, the police just stayed in front of the killer's yard for 2 hours, WAITING FOR A WARRANT. A warrant which was never even needed. For those 2 hours the girls were screaming that they'll be murdered and the police just sat there. The girls were found dead and other evidence of murders was found in his house such as bags of meat and organs in his fridge and bodies in the well. When the prime-minister of Romania (who cannot even speak Romanian properly) was interviewed about this incompetence she just started laughing. Now people are not only sorry for the poor girls, but also for putting such people in power, such people who could not care less for the tragedies caused by their corruption and ignorance. Most hearts are now filled just with sorrow, and the rest are angry. This is not the first time such a tragedy happens from these reasons, others have happened quite recently and people are gathering to protest, again. I'm not there so all I did was a prayer to the girls and to my people and write this now, but if I was in Romania I would probably join the others for a change.