(This post was last modified: 18 May, 2020 - 04:16 AM by CasaDelFake.)
Maybe you know people selling their "refund Uber Eats" service that allows you to get your order refunded.
I have never offered this service for sale but having already been through one of them, I have seen and understood how they proceeded, that's why I decided to share my method with you.

Not having been "trained" for the Uber Eats refund (because yes, some also sell "training" to be able to do so), I cannot guarantee that the technique will work every time, nor until when it will work. I can only tell you that I have used it 4 or 5 times for myself and it worked every time.

Here's the technique :

First of all, I would like to specify that refund usually ask for a minimum order of 20€ but since they charge 30% of the order price for the service, I guess it's just to have a "minimum" income per order ... Well yes, it's useless to get a 10€ refund for a 10€ order.

However, they also ask that the order should not exceed 60€. I think that if the price of the order is too high, the risk of not being refunded will be too (or it will be more complicated).
I would advise you not to go over 60€, but you are big and responsible, you do what you want !

To start with, you're going to... place an order! (Wow, unbelievable!)
In the delivery information, specify that you want the meal delivered to your door and if you are in a building, put the building code/intercom number/story/etc.
Preparing the order... Taking over the order... The delivery man goes to your house...
This is IMPORTANT: When the delivery man arrives at your home, WAIT OUT!
He must not call you on your mobile phone, nor send you a message like "I have arrived"! (Although I'll come back to that at the end)
Once the delivery man arrives and the order's picked up, well... 

Then wait a few tens of minutes, then go to your Uber Eats order, in Get Help and choose "My order never arrived". At the time of entering the information, in the box where you can put more details, put a message like this :

"Hi, I ordered tacos/kebabs/pizzas/etc. from XXX for me and my family. The order was supposed to arrive no later than XXX but it never arrived. The delivery guy was supposed to deliver the meal to my door, (on such and such a floor, at such and such a number), but never rang. He didn't call me or send me a message, he wasn't even close to my address when the order was placed for delivery."
Add to that a reason why you can't be re-delivered: "We have a movie and don't have time to place a new order", "I have to get back to work", "It's late and the restaurants are closed", "The wait was too long, we made lunch"... In short, depending on the circumstances (the time of day for example), find a reason for not being able to place a new order.

You should then normally receive an email a few minutes/ dozens of minutes later, telling you "Adjusted total of your order" and confirming the refund! You will then receive the refund on your bank account a few days later, maximum.

Some important points :

As said above, I'm not "trained" for this so some points may need to be reviewed. However, without copying and pasting the sample message above, try to keep everything that is said there, namely: Specify what you ordered, from whom and that it's for you and your family (not sure it's important to specify the family but you never know ^^), the time the order was supposed to arrive at the latest and the fact that it didn't arrive, the fact that the delivery man was supposed to deliver to your door and that he had the information to (!), the fact that he didn't call you or send you a message, also say that he was not "at your address/"close to you"/etc. when the order appeared as "delivered" and finally, the reason why you can't place a new order. And again, be polite and also try to write the message without spelling mistakes. It's not necessarily important for the refund but it's always better when the message is clean !

I don't know how many refunds we can do by Uber Eats account or credit card! I have personally used ONE Uber Eats account per refunded order and TWO different bank accounts but using different virtual cards each time. So I can't tell you if it will work if you use the same credit card on multiple accounts or if you want to do multiple refounds on one account, but I guess in that case the account will eventually be banned and maybe the card as well. So be careful and don't abuse it.

Enjoy !!!

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