(03 September, 2022 - 01:52 AM)warrenbuffett Wrote: Show More
This is probably going to be my longest guide for you folks so stay tuned and stick with it and start your refunding/seing career today.
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What is FTIDing? FTIDing is creating a fake tracking number or editing a label to make it go somewhere else such as change location or be marked as delivered if it's not.
I will not be explaining how to edit the labels, it's self explanatory, load up a PDF editor find a matching font then boom edit what I tell you to.
FTID v1:
This is just boxing so, instead of shipping your returned unit back you ship an empty box, most people make the box battered or stick the label to a advertising leaflet so they trash it.
FTID v2:
Edit the label and remove all sender details, this way the tracking says it has been delivered but they won't know who sent it so they cannot say you sent them an empty box
FTID v3:
Change the ship address and all sender details this way it'll be marked as delivered but they won't have received anything.
FTID v4:
This is the flyer method, stick your label the back of an advertisement, they will trash the label.
FTID v5:
Change the barcode/maxi code to something random, but make sure your tracking number is the same.
FTID v6:
FTIDv1 (boxing), then smash the box up so it looks like it has been damaged in shipping or been stolen
FTID v7:
Use invisible ink ( clears after 12 hours) it will get lost in transit
SCANS (You will need to pay someone or buy access to a panel (I sell UPS panels so dm me if you want one))
LIT Scan:
Do a scan that marks the parcel as on the way or lost in transit.
Damaged Scans:
Marks package as damaged.
RTS Scan:
Returning to sender
ENJOY! Please do not leech.
If I helped you please consider helping me get contributor by liking or commenting anything helps! But not needed!