Make sure to prepare the following details for starting your SE:
- Service Tag
- Invoice
- Pictures (If you are doing a monitor you will need: front, back & sides) for laptops you will need front back and side + pictures of
- Serial Number
You can find the majority of this on cracked or manually search on eBay for it.
Chances are your service tag/serial number may be already used so try get some backups to save some time.
First go and register your warranty @ you may need to change the link to your own country.
Create an email account that is similar to the invoices name, this is essential, the invoice also has to be real, people sell them in Cracked.
You should now ring Dell up and say some excuse such as: "The screen is black" for a monitor and there are no lights, think of something fairly unique.
They will go through troubleshooting, just make some noice through your microphone to act like you are doing it.
Once they have completed the troubleshooting they will ask you to return the device you can but SHOULDN'T ftid this label, you need to convince them to go first, say you need it for work bla bla bla, they will eventually agree you may need to recall to get a good rep.
They will then ask for proof you own it, send over the pictures, these need to be HQ or you will get denied, the reason I asked you to make them in advanced is because they want them sent over as you are on the phone (ask the person photoshoping to have a blank peace of paper)
now go in photoshop edit the peace of paper to have the details they asked for on it.
Dell will then pass on the info and tell you to watch your emails, you will either get an email with tracking, an eta on shipping or a denial email.