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by nickyminaj - 14 January, 2020 - 04:19 PM
This post is by a banned member (flexupLilHoe) - Unhide
[thank you so mucj dude
quote="nickyminaj" pid='6094167' dateline='1579011548']

Good day, Dear Forum, Dear forum guests and those who keep their fingers on the pulse of information security.
I will delight you today with my acquaintance with an excellent scanner, authored by Thomas Perkins.
Who could create such a tool as a non-IT professional with in-depth knowledge of ruby, python and C #!
However, I did not expect another from a man who made efforts to give birth to a whitewidow.

[Image: nkt.png]
the gaytalk is from another forum btw dont blame me  :pepegun: :fuck:

The tool was made public, it can be said, recently and is a great snoop for dorks.
The highlight of Zeus is that it is designed to circumvent many protections when performing a task:
Deceiving requests from API search engines, blocking them, blocking IP addresses from sending requests to search engines.

By default, Zeus uses Google to perform tasks, but can use 3 different search engines.
Another sharply distinctive feature of this tool is the presence of a powerful built-in engine.
Thus, it automates a hidden web browser to pull out the search URL and can run sqlmap and nmap scanning by URL.


[Image: 424.png]

For beginners, I recommend being careful with this contraption, because nobody canceled the legislation.
And we, as you know, do not call for illegal actions.

Test, in general, make requests and enjoy the work of a wonderful tool
thanks to everyone for your attention and see you soon

This post is by a banned member (jaksendan) - Unhide
(14 January, 2020 - 04:19 PM)nickyminaj Wrote: Show More

[font][font]Dzień dobry, Szanowni Forumowicze, Szanowni Forumowicze i wszyscy, którzy trzymają rękę na pulsie bezpieczeństwa informacji. [/font]
[font][font]Dzisiaj zachwycę Was moją znajomością doskonałego skanera autorstwa Thomasa Perkinsa. [/font][/font]
[font][font]Kto mógłby stworzyć takie narzędzie, będąc laikiem z dogłębną wiedzą na temat Ruby, Pythona i C#! [/font][/font]
[font][font]Jednak nie spodziewałem się czegoś innego od człowieka, który dołożył starań, aby spłodzić białą wdowę. [/font][/font]

[Image: nkt.png]
[font][font]Gaytalk jest z innego forum, swoją drogą, nie obwiniajcie mnie [/font][font][font] :pepegun: :fuck: [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]Narzędzie zostało upublicznione, można powiedzieć, niedawno i jest świetnym szpiegiem dla frajerów. [/font]
[font][font]Najważniejszą cechą Zeusa jest to, że jest on zaprojektowany tak, aby obchodzić wiele zabezpieczeń podczas wykonywania zadania: [/font][/font]
[font][font]oszukiwanie żądań z wyszukiwarek API, blokowanie ich, blokowanie adresów IP przed wysyłaniem żądań do wyszukiwarek. [/font][/font]

[font][font]Domyślnie Zeus używa Google do wykonywania zadań, ale może używać 3 różnych wyszukiwarek. [/font][/font]
[font][font]Inną wyraźnie wyróżniającą cechą tego narzędzia jest obecność potężnego wbudowanego silnika. [/font][/font]
[font][font]W ten sposób automatyzuje ukrytą przeglądarkę internetową w celu pobrania adresu URL wyszukiwania i może uruchomić skanowanie za pomocą programów sqlmap i nmap według adresu URL.[/font][/font]

[align=start][font][font][spoiler] [/font][/font]

[Image: 424.png]

[font][font]Dla początkujących polecam uważać z tym ustrojstwem, bo nikt nie anulował ustawodawstwa. [/font]
[font][font]A my, jak wiadomo, nie nawołujemy do działań niezgodnych z prawem. [/font][/font]

[font][font]Testujcie, generalnie zgłaszajcie prośby i cieszcie się pracą wspaniałego narzędzia [/font][/font]
[font][font]dzięki wszystkim za uwagę i do zobaczenia wkrótce[/font][/font][/font]

This post is by a banned member (stxtictv) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(14 January, 2020 - 04:19 PM)nickyminaj Wrote: Show More

Good day, Dear Forum, Dear forum guests and those who keep their fingers on the pulse of information security.
I will delight you today with my acquaintance with an excellent scanner, authored by Thomas Perkins.
Who could create such a tool as a non-IT professional with in-depth knowledge of ruby, python and C #!
However, I did not expect another from a man who made efforts to give birth to a whitewidow.

[Image: nkt.png]
the gaytalk is from another forum btw dont blame me  :pepegun: :fuck:

The tool was made public, it can be said, recently and is a great snoop for dorks.
The highlight of Zeus is that it is designed to circumvent many protections when performing a task:
Deceiving requests from API search engines, blocking them, blocking IP addresses from sending requests to search engines.

By default, Zeus uses Google to perform tasks, but can use 3 different search engines.
Another sharply distinctive feature of this tool is the presence of a powerful built-in engine.
Thus, it automates a hidden web browser to pull out the search URL and can run sqlmap and nmap scanning by URL.


[Image: 424.png]

For beginners, I recommend being careful with this contraption, because nobody canceled the legislation.
And we, as you know, do not call for illegal actions.

Test, in general, make requests and enjoy the work of a wonderful tool
thanks to everyone for your attention and see you soon

This post is by a banned member (stxtictv) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(14 January, 2020 - 04:19 PM)nickyminaj Wrote: Show More

Good day, Dear Forum, Dear forum guests and those who keep their fingers on the pulse of information security.
I will delight you today with my acquaintance with an excellent scanner, authored by Thomas Perkins.
Who could create such a tool as a non-IT professional with in-depth knowledge of ruby, python and C #!
However, I did not expect another from a man who made efforts to give birth to a whitewidow.

[Image: nkt.png]
the gaytalk is from another forum btw dont blame me  :pepegun: :fuck:

The tool was made public, it can be said, recently and is a great snoop for dorks.
The highlight of Zeus is that it is designed to circumvent many protections when performing a task:
Deceiving requests from API search engines, blocking them, blocking IP addresses from sending requests to search engines.

By default, Zeus uses Google to perform tasks, but can use 3 different search engines.
Another sharply distinctive feature of this tool is the presence of a powerful built-in engine.
Thus, it automates a hidden web browser to pull out the search URL and can run sqlmap and nmap scanning by URL.


[Image: 424.png]

For beginners, I recommend being careful with this contraption, because nobody canceled the legislation.
And we, as you know, do not call for illegal actions.

Test, in general, make requests and enjoy the work of a wonderful tool
thanks to everyone for your attention and see you soon

This post is by a banned member (whoisme) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(14 January, 2020 - 04:19 PM)nickyminaj Wrote: Show More

Good day, Dear Forum, Dear forum guests and those who keep their fingers on the pulse of information security.
I will delight you today with my acquaintance with an excellent scanner, authored by Thomas Perkins.
Who could create such a tool as a non-IT professional with in-depth knowledge of ruby, python and C #!
However, I did not expect another from a man who made efforts to give birth to a whitewidow.

[Image: nkt.png]
the gaytalk is from another forum btw dont blame me  :pepegun: :fuck:

The tool was made public, it can be said, recently and is a great snoop for dorks.
The highlight of Zeus is that it is designed to circumvent many protections when performing a task:
Deceiving requests from API search engines, blocking them, blocking IP addresses from sending requests to search engines.

By default, Zeus uses Google to perform tasks, but can use 3 different search engines.
Another sharply distinctive feature of this tool is the presence of a powerful built-in engine.
Thus, it automates a hidden web browser to pull out the search URL and can run sqlmap and nmap scanning by URL.


[Image: 424.png]

For beginners, I recommend being careful with this contraption, because nobody canceled the legislation.
And we, as you know, do not call for illegal actions.

Test, in general, make requests and enjoy the work of a wonderful tool
thanks to everyone for your attention and see you soon

This post is by a banned member (marcotosoli) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(14 January, 2020 - 04:19 PM)nickyminaj Wrote: Show More

Good day, Dear Forum, Dear forum guests and those who keep their fingers on the pulse of information security.
I will delight you today with my acquaintance with an excellent scanner, authored by Thomas Perkins.
Who could create such a tool as a non-IT professional with in-depth knowledge of ruby, python and C #!
However, I did not expect another from a man who made efforts to give birth to a whitewidow.

[Image: nkt.png]
the gaytalk is from another forum btw dont blame me  :pepegun: :fuck:

The tool was made public, it can be said, recently and is a great snoop for dorks.
The highlight of Zeus is that it is designed to circumvent many protections when performing a task:
Deceiving requests from API search engines, blocking them, blocking IP addresses from sending requests to search engines.

By default, Zeus uses Google to perform tasks, but can use 3 different search engines.
Another sharply distinctive feature of this tool is the presence of a powerful built-in engine.
Thus, it automates a hidden web browser to pull out the search URL and can run sqlmap and nmap scanning by URL.


[Image: 424.png]

For beginners, I recommend being careful with this contraption, because nobody canceled the legislation.
And we, as you know, do not call for illegal actions.

Test, in general, make requests and enjoy the work of a wonderful tool
thanks to everyone for your attention and see you soon

This post is by a banned member (anon1100) - Unhide
(14 January, 2020 - 04:19 PM)nickyminaj Wrote: Show More

Good day, Dear Forum, Dear forum guests and those who keep their fingers on the pulse of information security.
I will delight you today with my acquaintance with an excellent scanner, authored by Thomas Perkins.
Who could create such a tool as a non-IT professional with in-depth knowledge of ruby, python and C #!
However, I did not expect another from a man who made efforts to give birth to a whitewidow.

[Image: nkt.png]
the gaytalk is from another forum btw dont blame me  :pepegun: :fuck:

The tool was made public, it can be said, recently and is a great snoop for dorks.
The highlight of Zeus is that it is designed to circumvent many protections when performing a task:
Deceiving requests from API search engines, blocking them, blocking IP addresses from sending requests to search engines.

By default, Zeus uses Google to perform tasks, but can use 3 different search engines.
Another sharply distinctive feature of this tool is the presence of a powerful built-in engine.
Thus, it automates a hidden web browser to pull out the search URL and can run sqlmap and nmap scanning by URL.


[Image: 424.png]

For beginners, I recommend being careful with this contraption, because nobody canceled the legislation.
And we, as you know, do not call for illegal actions.

Test, in general, make requests and enjoy the work of a wonderful tool
thanks to everyone for your attention and see you soon

This post is by a banned member (mikoloze) - Unhide
3 Years of service

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