OP 29 April, 2024 - 05:57 PM
There are reports that the database of the Central Bank of Argentina may have been breached and is allegedly being sold on a hacker’s forum. This database supposedly includes sensitive personal and financial information such as full names, ID numbers, cities, and phone numbers. If true, this breach could have severe consequences, exposing individuals to identity theft, financial fraud, and more.
The legitimacy of these claims remains unclear, as the details of the breach, including the extent and motive, have not been fully disclosed. Moreover, the Central Bank’s website continues to function normally, which raises doubts about the authenticity of the hacker’s claims.
If the breach is confirmed, it could damage the financial stability and reputation of the bank, potentially impacting the broader economy and undermining public trust in financial institutions. This incident is part of a broader pattern of cyber threats in Argentina, which include other recent cyberattacks on local institutions and telecommunications services.
Argentina's increasing reliance on digital infrastructure makes it a target for such attacks, and the country must enhance cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data and infrastructure. Heightened vigilance and international cooperation are crucial in mitigating these risks and addressing cyber threats effectively.
Source : https://thecyberexpress.com/central-bank...ta-breach/
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