18 November, 2024 - 07:11 AM
import random
import os
from colorama import Fore, Style, init
from typing import List, Tuple
# Initialize colorama for cross-platform support
class GamePredictions:
def __init__(self):
self.config = {
'mines': {'grid_size': 5, 'max_mines': 24},
'towers': {'min_towers': 2, 'max_towers': 3, 'levels': 8},
'keno': {'grid_sizes': {'easy': 8, 'medium': 8, 'hard': 10}},
'slide': {'modes': {'normal': (['R', 'B', 'G'], [48, 48, 4]),
'special': (['R', 'P', 'Y'], [70, 25, 5])}},
'cups': {'min_cups': 2, 'max_cups': 5},
'crash': {'min_multiplier': 1.1, 'max_multiplier': 10.0}
def get_valid_input(self, prompt: str, valid_range: Tuple[int, int]) -> int:
"""Get a valid integer input within a specified range."""
while True:
value = int(input(prompt))
if valid_range[0] <= value <= valid_range[1]:
return value
print(f"{Fore.RED}Input must be between {valid_range[0]} and {valid_range[1]}.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
except ValueError:
print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid input. Please enter a number.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
def print_grid(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> None:
"""Print a 2D grid with colored elements."""
color_map = {'M': Fore.RED, 'K': Fore.GREEN, 'S': Fore.BLUE}
for row in grid:
print(" ".join([f"{color_map.get(cell, '')}{cell}{Style.RESET_ALL}" for cell in row]))
def mines_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Mines game prediction."""
grid_size = self.config['mines']['grid_size']
max_mines = self.config['mines']['max_mines']
mine_count = self.get_valid_input(f"Enter the number of mines (1-{max_mines}): ", (1, max_mines))
grid = [['S' for _ in range(grid_size)] for _ in range(grid_size)]
positions = random.sample(range(grid_size**2), mine_count)
for pos in positions:
row, col = divmod(pos, grid_size)
grid[row][col] = 'M'
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Mines Prediction 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
def towers_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Towers game prediction."""
min_towers, max_towers = self.config['towers']['min_towers'], self.config['towers']['max_towers']
tower_count = self.get_valid_input(f"Enter the number of towers ({min_towers}-{max_towers}): ", (min_towers, max_towers))
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Towers Prediction 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
for level in range(self.config['towers']['levels'], 0, -1):
tower_list = ["T"] * tower_count
safe_tower = random.choice(range(tower_count))
tower_output = " | ".join(["S" if i == safe_tower else "T" for i in range(tower_count)])
print(f"Level {level}: {tower_output}")
def keno_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Keno game prediction."""
difficulties = list(self.config['keno']['grid_sizes'].keys())
difficulty = random.choice(difficulties)
grid_size = self.config['keno']['grid_sizes'][difficulty]
chosen_numbers = random.sample(range(1, grid_size**2 + 1), 5)
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Keno Prediction ({difficulty.capitalize()} mode) 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
grid = [['K' if i in chosen_numbers else 'S' for i in range(1, grid_size**2 + 1)]]
self.print_grid([grid[0][i:i+grid_size] for i in range(0, len(grid[0]), grid_size)])
def slide_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Slide (Roulette) game prediction."""
mode = random.choice(list(self.config['slide']['modes'].keys()))
colors, weights = self.config['slide']['modes'][mode]
result = random.choices(colors, weights=weights, k=1)[0]
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Slide (Roulette) Prediction ({mode.capitalize()} mode) 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
print(f"Predicted Outcome: {result}")
def cups_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Cups game prediction."""
min_cups, max_cups = self.config['cups']['min_cups'], self.config['cups']['max_cups']
cup_count = self.get_valid_input(f"Enter the number of cups ({min_cups}-{max_cups}): ", (min_cups, max_cups))
winning_cup = random.randint(1, cup_count)
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Cups Prediction 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
for i in range(1, cup_count + 1):
status = "W (Ball)" if i == winning_cup else "E (Empty)"
print(f"Cup {i}: {status}")
def crash_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Crash game prediction."""
min_multi, max_multi = self.config['crash']['min_multiplier'], self.config['crash']['max_multiplier']
safe_multiplier = round(random.uniform(min_multi, max_multi), 2)
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Crash Prediction 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
print(f"Recommended Safe Cashout: x{safe_multiplier}")
def clear_screen() -> None:
"""Clear the console screen."""
os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
def main_menu() -> None:
"""Display and handle the main menu."""
predictions = GamePredictions()
icy_text = f"""
{Fore.CYAN}鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚晽鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽
鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晽鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晹鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈺戔暁鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨暆鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晹鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚晹鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚晹鈺愨晲鈺愨晲鈺�
鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺斺暆鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺斺枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晹鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺斺枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晹鈺濃枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺�
鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨晲鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺戔暁鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳鈺氣枅鈻堚晹鈺濃枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晽鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨暆
鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳 鈺氣枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈺氣枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晹鈺濃枅鈻堚晳 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔暁鈻堚枅鈻堚晹鈻堚枅鈻堚晹鈺濃枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺�
鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺濃暁鈺愨暆 鈺氣晲鈺濃暁鈺愨暆 鈺氣晲鈺愨晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺愨晲鈺愨晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺愨暆鈺氣晲鈺愨暆 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺濃暁鈺愨暆 鈺氣晲鈺濃暁鈺愨晲鈺愨晲鈺愨晲鈺�
while True:
print(f"{Fore.CYAN}Choose a game prediction to display:")
print("1. Mines")
print("2. Towers")
print("3. Keno")
print("4. Slide (Roulette)")
print("5. Cups")
print("6. Crash")
print("q. Quit")
choice = input(f"{Fore.CYAN}Enter the number of the game you want to display (or 'q' to quit): {Style.RESET_ALL}").strip()
print(icy_text) # Show the header again after clearing
if choice == '1':
elif choice == '2':
elif choice == '3':
elif choice == '4':
elif choice == '5':
elif choice == '6':
elif choice.lower() == 'q':
print(f"{Fore.CYAN}Exiting the game.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid choice. Please try again.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
input("Press Enter to return to the main menu...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
from colorama import Fore, Style, init
from typing import List, Tuple
# Initialize colorama for cross-platform support
class GamePredictions:
def __init__(self):
self.config = {
'mines': {'grid_size': 5, 'max_mines': 24},
'towers': {'min_towers': 2, 'max_towers': 3, 'levels': 8},
'keno': {'grid_sizes': {'easy': 8, 'medium': 8, 'hard': 10}},
'slide': {'modes': {'normal': (['R', 'B', 'G'], [48, 48, 4]),
'special': (['R', 'P', 'Y'], [70, 25, 5])}},
'cups': {'min_cups': 2, 'max_cups': 5},
'crash': {'min_multiplier': 1.1, 'max_multiplier': 10.0}
def get_valid_input(self, prompt: str, valid_range: Tuple[int, int]) -> int:
"""Get a valid integer input within a specified range."""
while True:
value = int(input(prompt))
if valid_range[0] <= value <= valid_range[1]:
return value
print(f"{Fore.RED}Input must be between {valid_range[0]} and {valid_range[1]}.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
except ValueError:
print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid input. Please enter a number.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
def print_grid(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> None:
"""Print a 2D grid with colored elements."""
color_map = {'M': Fore.RED, 'K': Fore.GREEN, 'S': Fore.BLUE}
for row in grid:
print(" ".join([f"{color_map.get(cell, '')}{cell}{Style.RESET_ALL}" for cell in row]))
def mines_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Mines game prediction."""
grid_size = self.config['mines']['grid_size']
max_mines = self.config['mines']['max_mines']
mine_count = self.get_valid_input(f"Enter the number of mines (1-{max_mines}): ", (1, max_mines))
grid = [['S' for _ in range(grid_size)] for _ in range(grid_size)]
positions = random.sample(range(grid_size**2), mine_count)
for pos in positions:
row, col = divmod(pos, grid_size)
grid[row][col] = 'M'
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Mines Prediction 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
def towers_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Towers game prediction."""
min_towers, max_towers = self.config['towers']['min_towers'], self.config['towers']['max_towers']
tower_count = self.get_valid_input(f"Enter the number of towers ({min_towers}-{max_towers}): ", (min_towers, max_towers))
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Towers Prediction 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
for level in range(self.config['towers']['levels'], 0, -1):
tower_list = ["T"] * tower_count
safe_tower = random.choice(range(tower_count))
tower_output = " | ".join(["S" if i == safe_tower else "T" for i in range(tower_count)])
print(f"Level {level}: {tower_output}")
def keno_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Keno game prediction."""
difficulties = list(self.config['keno']['grid_sizes'].keys())
difficulty = random.choice(difficulties)
grid_size = self.config['keno']['grid_sizes'][difficulty]
chosen_numbers = random.sample(range(1, grid_size**2 + 1), 5)
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Keno Prediction ({difficulty.capitalize()} mode) 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
grid = [['K' if i in chosen_numbers else 'S' for i in range(1, grid_size**2 + 1)]]
self.print_grid([grid[0][i:i+grid_size] for i in range(0, len(grid[0]), grid_size)])
def slide_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Slide (Roulette) game prediction."""
mode = random.choice(list(self.config['slide']['modes'].keys()))
colors, weights = self.config['slide']['modes'][mode]
result = random.choices(colors, weights=weights, k=1)[0]
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Slide (Roulette) Prediction ({mode.capitalize()} mode) 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
print(f"Predicted Outcome: {result}")
def cups_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Cups game prediction."""
min_cups, max_cups = self.config['cups']['min_cups'], self.config['cups']['max_cups']
cup_count = self.get_valid_input(f"Enter the number of cups ({min_cups}-{max_cups}): ", (min_cups, max_cups))
winning_cup = random.randint(1, cup_count)
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Cups Prediction 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
for i in range(1, cup_count + 1):
status = "W (Ball)" if i == winning_cup else "E (Empty)"
print(f"Cup {i}: {status}")
def crash_prediction(self) -> None:
"""Generate and display a Crash game prediction."""
min_multi, max_multi = self.config['crash']['min_multiplier'], self.config['crash']['max_multiplier']
safe_multiplier = round(random.uniform(min_multi, max_multi), 2)
print(f"\n{Fore.CYAN}馃敼 Crash Prediction 馃敼{Style.RESET_ALL}")
print(f"Recommended Safe Cashout: x{safe_multiplier}")
def clear_screen() -> None:
"""Clear the console screen."""
os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
def main_menu() -> None:
"""Display and handle the main menu."""
predictions = GamePredictions()
icy_text = f"""
{Fore.CYAN}鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚晽鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽
鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晽鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晹鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈺戔暁鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨暆鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晹鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚晹鈺愨晲鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚晹鈺愨晲鈺愨晲鈺�
鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺斺暆鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺斺枅鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晹鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺斺枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚晽 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晹鈺濃枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺�
鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨晲鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺戔暁鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳鈺氣枅鈻堚晹鈺濃枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚枅鈺椻枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晳鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨枅鈻堚晽鈻堚枅鈺斺晲鈺愨暆
鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳 鈺氣枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺� 鈺氣枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚晹鈺濃枅鈻堚晳 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈻堚枅鈺戔暁鈻堚枅鈻堚晹鈻堚枅鈻堚晹鈺濃枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚晳 鈻堚枅鈺戔枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈻堚枅鈺�
鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺濃暁鈺愨暆 鈺氣晲鈺濃暁鈺愨暆 鈺氣晲鈺愨晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺愨晲鈺愨晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺愨暆鈺氣晲鈺愨暆 鈺氣晲鈺� 鈺氣晲鈺濃暁鈺愨暆 鈺氣晲鈺濃暁鈺愨晲鈺愨晲鈺愨晲鈺�
while True:
print(f"{Fore.CYAN}Choose a game prediction to display:")
print("1. Mines")
print("2. Towers")
print("3. Keno")
print("4. Slide (Roulette)")
print("5. Cups")
print("6. Crash")
print("q. Quit")
choice = input(f"{Fore.CYAN}Enter the number of the game you want to display (or 'q' to quit): {Style.RESET_ALL}").strip()
print(icy_text) # Show the header again after clearing
if choice == '1':
elif choice == '2':
elif choice == '3':
elif choice == '4':
elif choice == '5':
elif choice == '6':
elif choice.lower() == 'q':
print(f"{Fore.CYAN}Exiting the game.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
print(f"{Fore.RED}Invalid choice. Please try again.{Style.RESET_ALL}")
input("Press Enter to return to the main menu...")
if __name__ == "__main__":