Step 1: Go on azure or aws and get a free tier vps, if you have multiple emails go ahead and register for as many as you like, each vps will make you about $2 per month. 10 vps, means $20, 20 means 40, etc etc. Its not a lot of money, but you can use the vps for thins like the trafficprogrammer as well as what I detail in this method, and it can add up quickly.
Step 2: Now that you have VPS's go on peer to profit (You don't have to use my referral link, but I would appreciate it, and it benefits both of us really) Some people on this site supposedly make over $3000 on this site. I will make an update once I've used it for longer.
Step 3: Setup the peer2profit on the vps and also setup the trafficprogrammer to run automatically since youre at it.
Step 4: ???