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Scam report against fleecya

by MovistarSucks - 17 November, 2023 - 08:32 PM
This post is by a banned member (MovistarSucks) - Unhide
4 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 17 November, 2023 - 08:32 PM by MovistarSucks.)
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 7.114 LTC
Screenshots of Communication: Will provide to admins when asked since it involves some private stuff from a proyect
Additional Information: Well, over something like 2 months ago, i started talking w fleecya and his team, i bought program that seemed to work at first, but then i noticed that when using it, it'd get stuck and not work properly, so i asked fleecya's dev for a solution to this, but after the payment, attention diminished a lot, there were a few weeks without response, a few days ago his dev replied and i thought we could work it out, but then, once again, i've been left on hold for almost 10 days with no further replies.
Crypto address for a refund: will provide when needed

I dont really like to do this since i think fleecya's service is legit, but i have to get this sorted out, there's been a few times i've been told it'd get sorted out/fixed in a day, but it hasn't happened and i've grown tired of waiting
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @Fleecya (Fleecya) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
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This post is by a banned member (Fleecya) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 18 November, 2023 - 03:40 AM by Fleecya. Edited 3 times in total.)
Hey! i'm currently waiting for the developer that you have worked with, to reply for the refund, this also should be reported in against the service.

In accordance with my team's developer, here is the response in regards to the recent incident caused on our service.

Turns out this MoviSu was not the real client that I was handling. Me, proxifried, is the developer that has been dealing with MoviSu, and we've been going back and fourth for quite a while now, discussing how we could make a workaround for his idea, and I've shown him multiple ideas, one that works, but is unstable, and one that works 100% of the time, but required IP:PORT proxies, without user:pass. So the real MoviSu should be aware of the fact, that there are 2 configs. After Fleecya, the owner of the coding service that I work in, spoke to the fake MoviSu in private, he tried to confirm his identity on, after which he blocked him and left the group DM we had. Here are a list of reasons that led us to know that this guy was not the real MoviSu:
  1. The MoviSu account that was speaking to us about the report was another from the MoviSu account I have been working with. REAL: @movisu | FAKE: @Moon.113
  2. The fake MoviSu seemed to have a language barrier, the MoviSu I have been working with didn't seem to have the slightest issue with the english language. (led me to suspicion)
  3. Whenever I tried to ask the fake MoviSu about ANYTHING related to the working config I provided him, he ignored it. This is due to the fact that all the reasons that the REAL MoviSu stated, are all gone in the deleted ticket that I had with the real MoviSu, when I delievered the product. The fake MoviSu only knows about the current ticket, which says NOTHING about the 2nd config. This is why he kept neglecting that config. I can also show multiple counts on him ignoring the 2nd config. (led me to suspicion)
  4. Fake MoviSu blocked and left group after asking him to confirm identity on
  5. He claimed that he wanted $120 to re-open his RDP (led me to suspicion)
  6. Lastly, as soon as I started talking to him, being critical about this report, he refused to talk to me and only wanted to speak through Fleecya, as he was compliant with him ( obviously, as he is not the developer of the product, no blame on Fleecya ).
  7. also, the client claimed that his CFG was on his RDP. But guess what, the REAL MoviSu did not have it on an RDP, he had it on his main PC. He asked me for the video tutorial and cfg again, because he formatted his main PC.

[Image: Skrmbillede_2023-11-18_kl._02.16.41.png?...height=246][Image: Skrmbillede_2023-11-18_kl._02.16.46.png?...60dfe64a&=]

- Furthermore, the real Movisu has not been answering us ever since the last reply we've gotten from his discord account upon the 'fake' movisu contacted us.

I have evidence to prove that Movisu could be the one trying to do this fake impersonation.(i also cannot be 100% sure, but based on the replied and developers response)

[Image: image.png?ex=656a8831&is=65581331&hm=046...height=502]  -> Movisu real account reply

[Image: image.png?ex=656a8851&is=65581351&hm=ba0...height=502] -> Movisu Fake Account
[Image: standard-1.gif]

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This post is by a banned member (MovistarSucks) - Unhide
4 Years of service
We've already discussed with fleecya over discord, the scam stuff was someone impersonating me, we agreed that fleecya's dev will deliver the product by monday, this can be closed.
This post is by a banned member (Liars) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
This will be moved to solved/closed.
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