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Scam report on TRADESY | $212.50

by lunacy - 11 August, 2023 - 03:18 PM
This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread:✅INVEST...id30950346
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $212.50
Screenshots of Communication: N/A only he has our conversation since my discord accounts were banned
Additional Information:
I bought his ebook on the 18th last month, once I bought it I asked the seller where the discord server invite was he said he hadn't made a discord yet, he said he'll make one in 10 days. After the 10 days I asked him again if he had made it, he didn't, after another ~1 week he made the discord server but it's just empty with zero signals

I only bought the guide because he promised an active discord server WITH signals it's in the thread title And he had a part where he said there was a discord server but he's edited the thread to remove that if mods can see thread history then you will see it said somewhere in the thread about having a discord server with signals, etc


after waiting over 20 days I no longer want to wait anymore for what I bought, I don't care if he now wants to start posting signals because I've made this DD I just want my money back - I had also thought as soon as I bought the guide the discord server would already be setup + with other active investors + with signals I could instantly start using
Proof of purchase:

Crypto address for a refund: LRWRp3n4vm8MRpXfypnb1R8EjkChbrBMRw
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @TRADESY (TRADESY) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
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top ad by @briskybrisk [exp 14/07/24]

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mid ad [exp 15/07/24]

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This post is by a banned member (TRADESY) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 11 August, 2023 - 04:50 PM by TRADESY. Edited 8 times in total.)
It's more like a joke, but let's deal with it.

First -
First of all I am selling a 130 pages guide to investing which contains all the detailed information for working in this field. I also provide ready-made investment portfolios.
You have received a guide on trade and investments and access to actual investment portfolios. I have also informed you that when there will be signals - I will inform you personally. We just don't have signals yet, while we are waiting for CS2 to be released (I also informed you about that).

Second -
I have not edited anything in my thread regarding signals. I created a discord server and notified all buyers in my thread to message me in discord. The server is in the process of forming and it's ok that it's still empty (not many copies have been sold)
I never specified in my thread how often I will post signals. If nothing happens in the sphere now it doesn't mean that signals won't happen. I don't want to cheat and give false signals often to make it look like I'm working.
You have actual investment portfolios that you can buy and profit from in the future.

I will try to convey to you once again (which I wrote about in DS) - this thread is not about selling signals, if it were, I would have posted it in the "Services" section. First of all it is an e-book that helps you learn how to invest on your own, secondly it is investment portfolios that I update as I analyze the market and thirdly it is a discord server where I share signals (not only about investments, including general steam news and so on).

You have received the product (Ebook from ebook sections) and you can make money on it. The fact that you have not received Signals for 20 days, I do not see any deception in it, because I never promised to give them every hour or any other period

Confirmation of my words where I tell you that all signals will be reported in DM (while the server fills up)

You want to get fake signals just to get them? That's pretty funny...

Again, you didn't buy a invite to the discord server, you bought e-books. Discord server is a bonus, and it's ok that it's empty - 4 ebooks buyers haven't responded to my invite yet LOL.

You've got a ebook to get you started investing, actual investment portfolios and my support with signals (when they show up), but you want your money back leaving it all with you.
Interesting idea...
This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 11 August, 2023 - 07:00 PM by lunacy. Edited 1 time in total.)
“I also provide ready-made investment portfolios.
You have received a guide on trade and investments and access to actual investment portfolios.”
they’re months old, if you’re counting them as signals then they aren’t really signals
if I told someone to buy btc on the 14th of June then yeah they’d make a lot of profit but that info becomes less valuable if you’re telling it to someone months after the 14th of June as obviously the price would’ve changed by then

“The server is in the process of forming and it's ok that it's still empty (not many copies have been sold)”
Its not really “ok that it’s still empty” I paid expecting a discord server that was at least already made, it doesn’t matter how many copies have been sold, you either have the server ready or don’t include a server in your sales thread

“I never specified in my thread how often I will post signals”
yes or no question, if I made a crypto signal group and was selling weekly, monthly and lifetime access but only posted a signal once every 3-12 months (or just whenever I felt like it) would it be a scam or not if my defence was “I never specified in my thread how often I will post signals” you can get technical with anything to avoid delivering a promised product but when you start saying stuff like that it makes you sound very unethical 

”this thread is not about selling signals”
you literally had “+signals” in the title and it was included with the book, signals are at least half of the product you were advertising 

“you didn't buy a invite to the discord server, you bought e-books. Discord server is a bonus”
if you’re advertising that a product includes something like an invite to a discord server and it doesn’t include that then isn’t that the definition of false advertising?

The main issue I have is that you promised a discord server in your sales thread and after months of your thread being up you only decide to make one after someone has bought your product (you setup the server 20 days after I bought)
it’s empty, no other people. with no messages and hasn’t had a single signal posted in it nor have you given any signals/investment portfolios since your thread was created (new ones, not the ones from April and may)

You advertised signals in the title so I thought I’d get signals but then you say “I never specified in my thread how often I will post signals”

I also just noticed in your sales thread you said "Сonstantly updated ready investment portfolios. I tell you what items to buy, how much and when to sell it (signals)”

your latest “investment portfolio” being made in may doesn’t seem very ”Сonstantly updated” your own wording in your sales thread invalidates some of your arguments
This post is by a banned member (TRADESY) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 11 August, 2023 - 07:21 PM by TRADESY. Edited 5 times in total.)
This post literally shows that you have not read a single page or even tried to understand the concepts of trading and investing in steam.
You are comparing crypto signals and Items signals, which are literally asbolutely different. Please forget about comparing crypto and my thread. They are completely different things

You can never get the same signals as in crypto, if you read my ebook and put 2+2 together you would realize that there was a major tournament recently and the whole industry is on pause right now before CS2, including price increases. You could have also asked me before opening an unsubstantiated disput.

" if you’re advertising that a product includes something like an invite to a discord server and it doesn’t include that then isn’t that the definition of false advertising? "- You have received an invitation to the server. It will be populated as the Ebook is purchased

As for investment portfolios - They are all relevant. Yes, it has produced growth of literally 2-10%, but again, if you had bothered to talk to me, you would know that all of these items need to be purchased on pending orders. Planned growth of +100%. Hell, it's literally written in the portfolio, you couldn't even read it -

"Portfolio is designed for medium-term investments. You can withdraw from this investment gradually from the end of 2023 or even faster (if you see good X quickly get out), depending on the market movements."

You got absolutely relevant portfolios that you can make money on in Q3 2023/Q1 2024, but you failed to read the 3 lines that are written in the header of this portfolio.

I can't publish portfolios/signals whenever you want. I publish them when they appear. On short-term trades signals will start after CS2 release. It is unfortunately not my fault that you bought the book in the off-season of all games.

That half of my sales are your subjective opinion.
I sell the ebook in the Ebooks + section and provide support/advice/signals in a consulting format. That is clearly not half.
My thread is not called - "discord server with daily signals investment in steam" and nowhere in the thread is it stated. Everything about your subjective opinion is your expectations. You didn't even ask the question when buying how often there will be signals when coming.

Bottom line - I never reneged on my commitment. You will receive your Signals in any convenient format ds server/dm/may send you a registered letter by post to your address, but only when they are available. For now you can work with the actual portfolio that you have already received. You can contact me and I will tell you how to buy them at current prices, how to put up orders and so on. Damn, but in the end, it's better to read the ebook already
This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 11 August, 2023 - 07:32 PM by lunacy. Edited 1 time in total.)
I wasn’t comparing crypto to csgo signals, I was using it as an example / analogy of how you saying something like “I never specified in my thread how often I will post signals” is basically scamming in most cases

”I can't publish portfolios/signals whenever you want.” The difference is you haven’t updated your “constantly updated investment portfolio” in over 3 months, I understand you can’t magically make signals happen but like 3+ months is crazy

”You could have also asked me before opening an unsubstantiated disput.” I do apologise for doing that, but in my opinion getting other people to put their opinion on the subject is better than us going back in forth on dms then me potentially making a deal dispute anyways, it also means no proof can be deleted etc since I’ve seen that happen before 

since I believe nothing else needs to be said to each other I’d prefer if any staff could give their opinion and decide an outcome instead of us going back and forth with replies, you can leave another reply to this but I won’t bother replying back until staff has decided on what should happen
This post is by a banned member (TRADESY) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 12 August, 2023 - 01:30 AM by TRADESY. Edited 4 times in total.)
In my understanding, when a person does not ask any questions, does not read the book, and goes to open disputes and ask for a refund for a fully received product - this is clearly fraud.

I will repeat again, perhaps you have not fully understood - the fact that the portfolio was formed in May does not mean exactly nothing. The promised price increases in items have not happened yet, all of the anticipated timelines are literally described in the portfolio.
You can use that portfolio now and I'm under no obligation to update it before item prices rise.

Bottom line - you got a ebook that you can use to learn how to find items to invest, you got actual investment portfolios that you can literally still earn the promised percentage of profit on, and you got an invite to the server where all the news will be published in the future, but you want a refund because I "didn't publish a non-existent signal when you wanted it"

That seems like a funny thing to do [Image: pepeglad.png]

You are asking $215, but you don't say you bought two ebooks for that price, not one. This once again shows that your intentions are clearly not to make money on investments, but to get free ebook/free profit :)

I would like to spare the honored members of stuff from wasting time and finish this surreal disput and once again state the facts -

1. I sell e-books that teach investing (primarily) + my tips + signals + investment portfolios.
I do not sell any invites in discord server, in which I would publish market forecasts every day, which in my humble opinion is complete nonsense. You can read all versions of my thread, I have never written anything like this in my life.
This person got a guide that teaches self investing in cs:go that contains 25,000 words. To become a successful investor you need to learn/read and ask questions. Judging by the previous posts, he hasn't read a single line of this guide. This person is not interested in this field and does not want any help (see his previous posts). He hasn't asked a single question in ds after reading the book (he hasn't read it, lol).

2. Let's pretend that I didn't sell him 130+ page books detailing how to make money and what to do. I provided investment portfolios that were formed in April and May (news about CS2 release). These investment portfolios are still up to date. They don't need to be updated because there hasn't been a price increase yet. Moreover, it was not anticipated so early, which is stated right in the masthead of this portfolio. It states that growth is planned for late (December) 2023. Since investing = risk, I'm assuming growth will occur later. Also, this portfolio states that if you see a big X (greater than 100%) you can sell assets.
Since May, there are no assets that have come up to give a price rise. This is due to the fact that a lot of visual effects will change in cs2 and all hardening will be expensive (this was clear in April and May). At the current moment there are no prerequisites to add new items to the portfolio, because in the current portfolio prices are up to date and growth is expected later.

I'm not sorry, I'll show you a few items in the public domain so everyone can see that there has been no price increase and it's safe to purchase them -

This information is from the May portfolio -

The current price is -

Dear lunacy did not even consider it necessary to check the current prices of portfolios, but for some reason he demands some signals for 20 days. What do we get? We have a current portfolio (current signals), the period of potential price growth for which has not yet come. This means that it is now possible to buy all the specified items at the prices I wrote about in May. But respected lunacy doesn't want to buy them and get profit, he wants to get some incomprehensible daily/weekly signals, He think he got into the crypto market LOL. Moreover, I am amused by the very fact that he didn't even open this portfolio. If he had opened it, he could have already buy and waited for his profits

3. Dear lunacy keeps talking about signals. I would like to go back to point 2 and point out that he ignored the current signals and said I haven't updated my portfolios in 3 months and "it's crazy". LOL. He didn't want to get into the market, read my ebook, check the prices in the portfolios, he decided to just say he hasn't had signals for two weeks when my portfolios are the current signals. I could have given him signals on items that are artificially overpriced. Maybe then he would have been happy and wouldn't have opened that bullshit argument, but he wouldn't have made any profit. Everything in this is tied to main ivent, which don't happen that often. I can't give you a daily trade because they happen a little bit less often. Yes, there are short-term trades, but in Mr. lunacy's current 20 days of buying, there were no potential short-term trades. Am I supposed to trick him into buying irrelevant items?
The fact that he says he only bought the ebook for the signals is his subjective opinion. He didn't ask me how often signals are and didn't ask any questions on this topic (I have correspondence). Now he ignores my investment portfolios because he doesn't want to read them and watch prices and asks for refund for my quality product because of his laziness. LOL

4. Another complaint from mr. lunacy is that he was expecting a discord server with 100+ members where everyone chats and I give advice. Unfortunately, I only had 3-4 ebook buyers at the time of his purchase and they would not make a lively ds server. Almost immediately after buying it, mr. lunacy was notified that making a discord server now is silly because there are still very few buyers (screenshot in the post above). But I understand his unhealthy zeal for "signals" and I notified him that I would DM him while there is no active discord server. To which he said "alright". This is now his main thesis, which looks pretty stupid. He got an invite to the ds server. Yes it's empty, but because there was no news yet. LOL - it's been 20 days, I can't make up news for Valve.

Bottom line.
The man got everything he paid for. I did not deviate from a single word in my thread. I would like to note that during the 2 hours of his disputes he ripped off two times -

1) he said I changed my thread and took a screenshot that says I changed my thread 11 times. LOOOL. The last time I added vouch screenshots because the old ones went out of order (there are comments about it in the thread).
2) he asked for 215$ refund, but he forgot to mention that 215$ is the price for two ebooks on - trade + invest He has questions only about investment, and he wants refund for trade as well, which is a completely different thread

Moreover, he has absolutely no interest in resolving misunderstandings. He literally refuses to talk to me, he hasn't even added me to his new discord.
I think it should be clear that for some reason he doesn't want to get into this area/just lazy and wanted to easily get my labor for free.
I hope for stuff to take all arguments into consideration, because this person hasn't made a single argument and is hoping to get easy money. I wouldn't be surprised if after this post he runs to buy items from my portfolio and make a profit and get his money back for the e-books.

I am an honest seller, my ebook is one of the few that is worth something on the market.
Even though he literally insulted me by putting up this bullshit table DWC for me, I am still willing to help him and answer all his questions about e-books after he finally reads it

I can back up every word I have written above.

Thank you for your attention [Image: pepe.gif]
This post is by a banned member (lunacy) - Unhide
3 Years of service
"In my understanding, when a person does not ask any questions, does not read the book, and goes to open disputes and ask for a refund for a fully received product - this is clearly fraud." we can argue all day long if you want to, this won't change anything as at the end of the day it's the staff's opinion on what should be done, it's why I said before we don't need to keep going back and forth with replies

"You are asking $215, but you don't say you bought two ebooks for that price, not one. This once again shows that your intentions are clearly not to make money on investments, but to get free ebook/free profit :)" proof of purchase showed I bought 2 ebooks, I didn't hide that

"I do not sell any invites in discord server, in which I would publish market forecasts every day, which in my humble opinion is complete nonsense. You can read all versions of my thread, I have never written anything like this in my life." as you said before the discord server was a "bonus" if the "bonus" isn't included when a buyer purchases something wouldn't that make it either a scam or false advertising?

"He hasn't asked a single question in ds after reading the book" idk why you keep saying I haven't read it, I've asked you questions about the book in messages like "what website do you personally use" when the ebook was talking about a certain part about investment tracking websites

"But respected lunacy doesn't want to buy them and get profit" I bought some of the things from the signals after purchasing the guide, not sure why you're making so many assumptions about me

"he wants to get some incomprehensible daily/weekly signals, He think he got into the crypto market LOL" You're saying that I want signals daily/weekly the last signals were 3+ months ago that is a big difference so I'm not sure why you're overexaggerating to make me sound like I'm asking for something unreasonable 

"Another complaint from mr. lunacy is that he was expecting a discord server with 100+ members where everyone chats and I give advice" once again overexaggerating to make me sound like I'm asking for something unreasonable, I was AT LEAST expecting the discord server to EXIST once buying but you decided to only include the "bonus" product after someone has to ask you over the time span of weeks

"mr. lunacy was notified that making a discord server now is silly because there are still very few buyers" then simply DO NOT include it in the thread, You're acting like I forced you to make one when you put it in your thread that you have it as a bonus for buyers

"The man got everything he paid for."
was there a discord server after I paid? no, it wasn't even setup + signals are a bit misleading by saying "Сonstantly updated"

"2) he asked for 215$ refund, but he forgot to mention that 215$ is the price for two ebooks on - trade + invest He has questions only about investment, and he wants refund for trade as well, which is a completely different thread" I only bought both of them because it was at a decent price and almost the same as just buying the CSGO guide alone, If I had known that the latest signals was gonna be over 3+ months old, there was not going to be a discord server after I pay and no "important news and current investment signals/tips" are in it then I wouldn't of bought both the ebooks or the csgo book by itself

"Moreover, he has absolutely no interest in resolving misunderstandings. He literally refuses to talk to me, he hasn't even added me to his new discord."
I haven't refused to talk to you, my account is in the discord server, anyone has access to messaging me there so idk why you would say this + my telegram is public on my profile

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