A group of cyber fraudsters who hacked mobile banking through archive numbers purchased on the darknet have been detained in St. Petersburg. The details were provided by the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city and Leningrad Region.

A resident of the Chelyabinsk Region contacted the police of the Central District on October 14 and reported that his personal account of a mobile bank had been hacked, and then a loan of 100 thousand rubles had allegedly been issued in the man’s name. A criminal case was opened under Part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). It carries a penalty of up to five years in prison.

“While investigating the crime, criminal investigation officers came across a group of young cyber fraudsters,” the department noted.

According to preliminary data, the attackers, using a used number, hacked the victim’s personal account and either stole the money stored there, or issued an online loan and stole the borrowed funds.

Each of the group members regularly changed SIM cards in their mobile phones, trying to cover their tracks. The suspected scammers have already been detained. They turned out to be two natives of the Irkutsk region, aged 19 and 20, as well as their 19-year-old friend from the Ivanovo region.

The police have already conducted a search at their place of residence, house No. 20/3 on Bela Kuna Street. They seized three mobile phones and a laptop.

"Operational investigative actions are being carried out to establish accomplices in the crimes and the involvement of the detainees in additional episodes of criminal activity," the statement concluded.