There are many ways to increase the likelihood of a successful refund to your personal home address. These tips are for the long game, ie set it up before you attempt the actual refund.
Start to familiarize yourself with the various shippers in your area, your regular mail delivery service provider and their investigative techniques.

Find an address similar to your own (close street name w same number or same name w different number).

Call one delivery service (preferably your main mail delivery such as Canada Post and/or UPS and/or FedEx) and complain about your mail being erroneously delivered to that address and vice versa. Tell them you are tired of this happening. I have even asked them to make a note of this, something I will later refer to.

Follow usual steps, order and check who is shipping, sign up for tracking updates and call shipper once package is supposed to have arrived.
Be upset, but kind. Express frustration with how many times this has happened, both with regular mail and other shippers. Give details, for example say " last year I didn't get some of my Christmas cards that had money in them!'. I am tired of receiving mail for address X (similar to yours) and them receiving mine. Now the people have moved out and I have no way of knowing if my mail/packages were delivered (also people are very likely to steal from vacant houses/units)
Explain there should be a note that you have previously called to ask them to be extra vigilant. If they really doubt you, tell them to call your regular mail carrier, where you DO have a note
Having a note/complaints in your file for regular mail on previous occasions is excellent support for your claim of DNA, which is becoming too common. You need extra proof as more companies are doubting people's story.

I also encourage them to investigate (as long as I know they won't bother - package under $200 for example).

I have studied the details of the specific investigative techniques used by various shipping companies, great knowledge to use in determining how hard to push them to investigate. If you like this post, I will create new threads with this valuable information.

I hope this tip, or some variation of it is helpful to other SE's. Be safe.