OP 21 September, 2022 - 07:14 PM
First, I want you to ask yourself: Why are you gaming?
95% of people out there, are casual gamers. If this is you, you need to evaluate why you are gaming, and if it aligns with your goals and the kind of person you want to be. Now, if you’re a casual gamer, there must be at least one reason why you’re gaming. But, of course, if your goal is becoming a PRO gamer and earning a living that way, then gaming might not be such a huge waste of time. If becoming a professional gamer is not your lifes goal, you need to grab life by the cock, grab the bull by the horns, and stop wasting your life away being unproductive in front of a computer screen.
Gaming is fun but its addictive and it's a huge waste of time.
Gaming is moderation is fine, its always fine to unwind with a harmless hobby every once in a while. But when you find yourself playing video games for hours a day, break it down and assess if its really whats best for your future. Most people spend 6-12 hours sleeping everyday. Thats 25%-50% of your day. If you're gaming for 4-8 hours daily thats another 16%-33.33% of your life thats being spent on an unproductive task everyday. I hope this helps you see how gaming daily can lead to you leaving very little time to focus on more productive, more important things.
Get money and learn how to really socialize with people IRL instead of only through video games. End of story, gaming is bad and a huge waste of time.
95% of people out there, are casual gamers. If this is you, you need to evaluate why you are gaming, and if it aligns with your goals and the kind of person you want to be. Now, if you’re a casual gamer, there must be at least one reason why you’re gaming. But, of course, if your goal is becoming a PRO gamer and earning a living that way, then gaming might not be such a huge waste of time. If becoming a professional gamer is not your lifes goal, you need to grab life by the cock, grab the bull by the horns, and stop wasting your life away being unproductive in front of a computer screen.
Quote:Some of the reasons people game:
- To have fun and be entertained
- Game mastery
- To release the tension from stress
- To socialize online
- Competition
- Progress
Quote:For those of you casual gamers to whom some of these reasons for gaming seem familiar, let's break down a few ways you can better spend your time.The easiest way to get over gaming is to replace it with something else that feeds your needs in a more productive way. If gaming is a coping mechanism for you, I highly recommend speaking with a therapist.
- Hang out with friends, go to a bar, go to a park, go be social IRL
- Master a new hobby; wakeboarding, skateboarding, surfing, roller skating, a musical instrument, many things you can master.
- Go get a massage, mediate, read a book, take a bath, cook a nice meal.
- Go socialize IRL
- Join a sports team, start training karate or MMA for a more advanced techniques
- Go to the gym, finish a book, learn and start drop shipping or another way to make money
Gaming is fun but its addictive and it's a huge waste of time.
Quote:Some truths about gaming:
- You can become addicted
- Gaming can be stressful if it’s competitive
- You start neglecting your health and mental health
- Your relationships begin to suffer
- You start becoming toxic because of toxic online communities
- You start becoming less social, and are more prone to developing social anxiety disorders.
Gaming is moderation is fine, its always fine to unwind with a harmless hobby every once in a while. But when you find yourself playing video games for hours a day, break it down and assess if its really whats best for your future. Most people spend 6-12 hours sleeping everyday. Thats 25%-50% of your day. If you're gaming for 4-8 hours daily thats another 16%-33.33% of your life thats being spent on an unproductive task everyday. I hope this helps you see how gaming daily can lead to you leaving very little time to focus on more productive, more important things.
Get money and learn how to really socialize with people IRL instead of only through video games. End of story, gaming is bad and a huge waste of time.