Hello me and my friends came up with the idea of being paid to watch your streams
What we do:
-we actively watch your stream
-we chat with each other with chat and interact with you or other ppl in the chat
-You can make us mods so this way its even more legit and cool and u are going to look like a pro streamer
-you can give us prime accs with which u want us to do all the stuff above or we just gonna use our real accs that we use everyday to stream or watch

-5 chatters/mods [ 5$ per hour] max 6 hours
-10 chatters/mods [9$ per hour] max 6 hours
-15 chatters/mods [14$ per hour] max 8 hours

yeah we are about 25 in our TEAM lets say this way :d but its rare that we all will be on at the same time.
Yes you pay us to watch because we are students and we stay all day on the compure, we have free time [img][/img]

write me here in the site if you have any questions or you wanna purchase

We work day by day and if you want us just write lets say 15-20mins before your stream starts

telegram: @tdimov discord: tissho