After four years, and nine different lawyers many of whom quit defending her citing irreconcilable differences, Sarah Boone has finally been convicted guilty of murdering her boyfriend by zipping him up in a suitcase and then going to bed to sleep.

Probably a lot of these lawyers urged her to take a plea deal which would have seen her out in five years after having already served four. But she kept refusing to take it, and now lawyers say she's most likely going to serve life.

Sarah Boone is a Florida woman accused of zipping her boyfriend up in a suitcase and leaving him in there to suffocate. She has just been found guilty of murder four years after what she had initially described to authorities as a case of drunken hide-and-seek gone wrong.


Sarah Boone‘s sixth, seventh and eighth attorneys appeared before a judge and described the difficult conditions they endured as they asked to also be paid for their work.