If you saw my original thread and are confused on what it meant I can explain. I thought it would be different and funny and thought that some ppl might know what it was from and be big fans of the comedic rapper Froggy Fresh and Moneymaker Mike and find it humorous. Here is a couple of links to the videos. If  you have not seen the videos I am pretty sure you will enjoy them . Its a very interesting story behind  the whole froggy fresh youtube viral sensation. He is very talented and very innocent comedic rapper with a whole series of videos with story lines that all work off eachother with  same characters. They were all shot with just his friends and him coming up with songs and videos and got millions of views. On a serious note I am excited to be a member of this group . I am a relatively new webmaster  who is looking to develop knew skills and meet others with same interests. I do not have alot to bring to the table as of now but  am constantly learning and am known for being creative and thinking outside the box. I always try to see the posiitive in any situation and always willing to help friends however I can  when they are in need.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=571BuZeeQjE&t=25s   ,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XArx0ASwyDc   , https://www.youtube.com/results?search_q...st+friends  ,   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEfOkcmXEyQ. Thanks for reading this update and hope these videos will bring you some enjoyment into  the boredom brought on by the  covid lockdown.