On-demand Food delivery business has seen massive growth during the last few years. Every food delivery app must have some key features in order to be successful. Considering what features are essential before developing a food delivery app is a key factor in the development.
 Some of the key features are
  • Choosing restaurants
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Pop-up notifications
  • Real-time tracking
  • Order history
  • Manage orders
  • Admin Dashboard
 To create a food delivery app, you can create an app from scratch or by using a clone script. Each way has some pros and cons. A clone script is a ready-to-deploy script of an application. Developing from scratch is expensive whereas using a clone is cost-effective. Before choosing the way you have to plan what are the features that must have and the unique features that will stand out in the market? To get more information about the features of the food delivery app read Must have Features of food delivery app development