OP 28 July, 2023 - 04:18 PM
Hello Everyone!
I am a bit lost because nearly all of the guides I have found here either suggest infected programs to generate or search for dorks, or offer outdated advice, or both.
I would like to know from anyone who consistently manages to make combolists (I do not necessarily need HQ ones, but at least to be able to start making one).
I am a bit lost because nearly all of the guides I have found here either suggest infected programs to generate or search for dorks, or offer outdated advice, or both.
I would like to know from anyone who consistently manages to make combolists (I do not necessarily need HQ ones, but at least to be able to start making one).
- What tools do you use to make dorks, or if manually do you have any suggestions for a specific cheatsheet, methodology or similar?
- What tools do you use to scrape the dorks after you write them?
- What exactly do you do with the search results after that? SQLI Dumper, or is it currently outdated?