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What works at the moment?

by WherezDaWarez - 10 May, 2019 - 10:59 AM
This post is by a banned member (WherezDaWarez) - Unhide
6 Years of service
(10 May, 2019 - 05:53 PM)Khalid. Wrote: Show More
(10 May, 2019 - 05:27 PM)xZeLLenZe Wrote: Show More
(10 May, 2019 - 03:03 PM)Khalid. Wrote: Show More
Let's make a Quick Answer for that, Firs There are 3 particularly procedures for accomplishing this:

1- [OpenBullet, BlackBullet, Sentry MBA, SNIPR .. ] These bad boi known for Speed + Check. (This Tool uses Configs )
I would advise you to use OB, BB, SNIPR They are the best! You can find many configs over here! try to search!

2- Checkers > Checks the [Email or User] To check if is Valid or Not. (The first ones are the fastest one, but you can use other checkers for specific websites that you don't have any configs for.)
Hmm About checker! I honestly Uses Checkers by X-risky, X-Slayer ...

3- Crackers > Cracks or Brute the (Email or User) That you checked along the Checker to add (Capture: As Expire Data, Subscription etc.. )

Also, we can call a Cracker to every user that crack/check these websites!.

Yeah so far I know I need:


Is there any particular tools you've tried or know for fact work well?

Where would I go to purchase the official ones?

About Checkers! Yes, I would recommend using BB, OB, And Pack of Checkers made by X-Risky / X-Slayer! as they are the fastest ones I've tried so far! For Combos and Proxies, you need some Paid HQ/Private ones to get hit! You still can use Free ones or you can get them easily by using some Combo leeching Tools! but you will get some low/bad hit. There is another way to get those Combo/Proxies by using SQL Dumper and ProxyScrape! But You should be good at what you're doing in order to get Hight Qualities.

For Paid Checkers! I would advise you to check the Premium Buyers Section and Search for what you're looking for!

I gotcha. Thanks much. :) Lot of help.
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This post is by a banned member (CO14A1N) - Unhide
5 Years of service
+1 about Open Bullet, a little bit hard in set up, but it gives results
This post is by a banned member (WherezDaWarez) - Unhide
6 Years of service
(10 May, 2019 - 09:34 PM)Vuk Wrote: Show More
To keep it short, I got back into cracking after a couple of years. Currently using OPEN BULLET and I'm super satisfied with it, so it has my recommendations.

(11 May, 2019 - 01:44 PM)CO14A1N Wrote: Show More
+1 about Open Bullet, a little bit hard in set up, but it gives results

Yeah it's 1 of the ones I'm considering, but tbh I think I'm leaning more towards Sentry or cracked Snipr. Just for now til I get my resources together.

You know if paid snipr is worth it still?

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