(This post was last modified: 20 September, 2023 - 04:35 PM by goathub.)

Safari is a good browser, but there are certain behaviors that make it too frustrating to use as the default browser.

MacOS is not my go-to platform. For that, I use Linux. However, when I need to mobilize my day (which actually means to go write in another room in the house), I turn to my MacBook Pro. Or, if I'm editing videos, I stand before my iMac and have at it.

On both of those Apple machines, I had been using the built-in Safari browser for years. However, with each passing day, I became more and more frustrated with Safari and wound up having to turn to a different browser as my default...
[Image: rNHvxeQ.gif] 
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[Image: heart5.png] Each of your reputations is a big motivation for me [Image: heart5.png]