21 December, 2023 - 08:39 AM
(13 November, 2019 - 07:55 PM)rustyk Wrote: Show Morethansk mateeeZenno Poster Pro 5.0 Cracked
Zennoposter is some really complex bot automation software for creating bots and you can use it for tasks that require a lot of repetitive actions. Like creating accounts for websites, and other types of stuff. There are many types of bots you can create with Zenno Poster so it can be very useful in SEO.
This version of Zennoposter is v3.6 and it is English. I see a lot of sites posting Russian versions and the like but this is the full version and it’s in English.
This is an older version but it still works. I personally recommend using Browser Automation Studio or WinAutomation.
Download link-