(This post was last modified: Yesterday - 08:40 AM by drcrypter_ru. Edited 1 time in total.)
[? ZeroShell Manager v1.0]
A user-friendly GUI for managing web shells, built with Tkinter. Available in both light and dark modes, with a focus on simplicity and efficiency. Tested thoroughly to minimize bugs.

[Image: light_mode.png]
[Image: small.png]
[Image: changename_pwd.png]
[Image: dark_mode.png]

Light Mode:
[Image: light_mode.png]

? Features:ZeroShell Manager v1.0 comes packed with the following functionalities:
  1. ? Add URL to Panel
    Add a single URL for easy access and management.
  2. ? Add Mass URLs (Multi-input)
    Batch-add multiple URLs at once for quicker management.
  3. ❌ Delete Web Shell from Panel
    Remove a selected shell from the panel (shell remains on the server).
  4. ?️ Clear All
    Clear all URLs from the panel, leaving the shells on the server intact.
  5. ? Browse Shell
    Open a shell in your default browser.
  6. ? Check Shell
    Verify if a shell is alive or dead in real-time.
  7. ? Mass Shell Check
    Simultaneously check the status of multiple shells.
  8. ? File Upload
    Upload files to the server via a shell. After upload, the file’s location will be shown.
  9. ? Rename and Change Password
    Rename the shell and change its password automatically. The panel is updated with the new details.
  10. ? Destroy
    Permanently delete the shell from the server.
How to Use
  1. Upload File via error_log.php None obfuscator or choose strong protect with err_Obf another wish you can obfuscator your personal than upload to make strong Undetected in server.
  2. Add URLs or mass input URLs into the Panel with
    Example : localhost.com/error_log.php?whoami=@1337
    (whoami= is default and @1337 is password of shell will be change in later or your own in error_log.php)
  3. Browse, check, upload files, or manage the shells as needed using the Shell Manager options.
  4. Use the "Destroy" option to remove shells from your server when no longer needed.
  1. [Video: https://youtu.be/U9mGzYDeCHM]

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