OP 27 April, 2020 - 09:24 PM
Scammers Profile Link: https://cracked.to/bschuster6653
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: https://cracked.to/Thread-WTB-Discord-discrims
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 0.00$
Screenshots of Communication:
Additional Information: I posted a thread buying Discord rare discrims such as #1337, #0001, etc and I received a DM from CIА#6319 (Discord ID: 690246882244558888) saying that he seen my thread and could get some discrims. He sent me his profile and I went to the option where it has the user's discord (if there is) and there was one so I copy and pasted the username and added it as a friend (if I already had the user added, it would just error out). It successfully sent the friend request, when I exposed the fake CIA he instantly blocked me and deleted all DMs. I have message logger installed with BetterDiscord (Proof it's installed: https://gyazo.com/7bff859fa3f42a68d565ad5e005eab77) so I can still see his messages. After he blocked me, I copied each letter of his username and pasted it into Google. All of the letters were normal besides the fake A which was a russian letter. If you're wondering how I got his cracked.to, I sent him my cracked.to (sent screenshot) and I instantly got a new user that visited my profile which was him. Afterwards, he was visiting the real CIA's profile which can't just be a coincidence: https://gyazo.com/ebd7736461fd69bd908da107870f0c96. To sum my point up about that, he basically went onto my profile when I sent it then when I exposed him he was on CIA's profile.
Here's proof that I added the real CIA to see if it would work or not: https://gyazo.com/160d54c4b5e019d16717c5082d60d221
In conclusion, I'm opening this report so he doesn't do this to other people and potentially get them scammed. He's impersonating CIA on Discord to scam others.
I'd like to show as much as I can, I think I've explained/showed everything but if not please leave a reply and I'll reply whenever I see.
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund: N/A
[If Applicable] Sales Thread: https://cracked.to/Thread-WTB-Discord-discrims
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 0.00$
Screenshots of Communication:
Additional Information: I posted a thread buying Discord rare discrims such as #1337, #0001, etc and I received a DM from CIА#6319 (Discord ID: 690246882244558888) saying that he seen my thread and could get some discrims. He sent me his profile and I went to the option where it has the user's discord (if there is) and there was one so I copy and pasted the username and added it as a friend (if I already had the user added, it would just error out). It successfully sent the friend request, when I exposed the fake CIA he instantly blocked me and deleted all DMs. I have message logger installed with BetterDiscord (Proof it's installed: https://gyazo.com/7bff859fa3f42a68d565ad5e005eab77) so I can still see his messages. After he blocked me, I copied each letter of his username and pasted it into Google. All of the letters were normal besides the fake A which was a russian letter. If you're wondering how I got his cracked.to, I sent him my cracked.to (sent screenshot) and I instantly got a new user that visited my profile which was him. Afterwards, he was visiting the real CIA's profile which can't just be a coincidence: https://gyazo.com/ebd7736461fd69bd908da107870f0c96. To sum my point up about that, he basically went onto my profile when I sent it then when I exposed him he was on CIA's profile.
Here's proof that I added the real CIA to see if it would work or not: https://gyazo.com/160d54c4b5e019d16717c5082d60d221
In conclusion, I'm opening this report so he doesn't do this to other people and potentially get them scammed. He's impersonating CIA on Discord to scam others.
I'd like to show as much as I can, I think I've explained/showed everything but if not please leave a reply and I'll reply whenever I see.
[If Applicable] Crypto address for a refund: N/A