OP 01 August, 2022 - 06:07 PM
hi guys i'm a new member of the community here i don't want to be a leecher so don't worry
I know this place is nothing like the ethical side of the world but it's where I want to belong
I'm sorry for my English, I was born in the Czech Republic and my English education here is insufficient
thank you to everyone who read this short paragraph about a new person on this forum
I know we are internet thieves but still I wish you all the best in your personal life
I know this place is nothing like the ethical side of the world but it's where I want to belong
I'm sorry for my English, I was born in the Czech Republic and my English education here is insufficient
thank you to everyone who read this short paragraph about a new person on this forum
I know we are internet thieves but still I wish you all the best in your personal life
and my question is what will put you in a happy mood on a terrible day MUSIC or GAME or DRUGS or something else ? be sure to write