16 September, 2020 - 11:02 PM
(16 September, 2020 - 08:52 PM)Zack1x Wrote: Show More(16 September, 2020 - 08:17 PM)aqua Wrote: Show More(16 September, 2020 - 05:26 PM)Zack1x Wrote: Show MoreHe cant get full refund
He has used the Rdp 2 weeks + I told him
Half refund or Rdp 16gb instead.
You lost him his data 3 times. Stop being a pussy and pay up or get banned. It's simple as that. Would you ruin all your rep and all your money spent on this forum over a under $30 order. That's just sad. And according to the screenshots, it seems that it was more down than up. Man up and learn to pay for the products rightfully or don't run a service.
All, this was in 1 day from 2 weeks and he pay 19$ so OK 1 day...
Refund will be 10$
Not sure why you're arguing with me but alright. Darkness said full refund or ban so like up to you :)