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Scam report against @theateractor

by hydroLMN - 26 February, 2024 - 05:19 PM
This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread: -
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $320 
Screenshots of Communication:
Additional Information: 
So I have purchased  6.8kk unique lines out of his 2024 and all databases
had 1kk in my db but i didn't told him anything about it.
he said he spend $7k/month for ratlogs and he have every day ratlogs means 3 months 21k$ spend of 2024.
simple words no need to write a lot,
I buy for $200 random clouds I get better results, I go to free telegram cloud channels download get 7kk uniques in week get better results.
how come free better then $21k,
Aswell after 2 days 30% got invalid, got 5k hits out of 6kk lines of $21k of 2024 only and imagine the clouds provide 2023 so its IMPOSSIBLE , REST MY CASE! ignore the all other facts i can tell hours!
So bought for $320, and spent $300 for proxies. ignore checker and dedicated server price
$620 SCAM , tried contact him he saying every time different things, however in conversation I clearly wrote again and again my words and asked for explaination and he didn't want to explain.
I just got my salary and wanted to invest after 1 year i didn't on combos and i got thorn in ass

Crypto address for a refund: LTC LfaFJhmQdb82kXRB776oJ2CzPnBWQnX6rq
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @theateractor (theateractor) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
[Image: v6F3tGP.gif]
top ad by @briskybrisk [exp 14/07/24]

[Image: Banner.gif]
mid ad [exp 15/07/24]

Taking care of's leechers. Every day.
If you have a question regarding your leeching level, click here.
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 26 February, 2024 - 07:12 PM by theateractor. Edited 2 times in total.)
Any admin can contact me for see full conversation with him and what we agreed in deal . 

I sold him only unique lines for riotgames, 4 full search in my database. I sold 6kk , of which only 0,5kk were good for him , removed cleaned , what he said. Proof that they had a good hitrate and are on the logs the admin can clearly see it in chat.Notice how many targets are wanted in all my stocks , around 20B unique recods.
[Image: 5i-yX5MCxNDK]Notice in the proof below that he agreed to certain terms : Only unique lines on logs for his target ,I also checked his AP of 300kk , and sold him 6,9kk single lines. 
of which 0,5kk are sorted by him with a special sorter for riotgames passwords.

[Image: OCFP1l3.png]
Togheter there are 9 targets , but the real ones are only: 4.


He came after a few days ( a week or more) and says they are not good for "FA" , or what target he has . 
What is my fault here ? Look from 500k lines what hitrate he has with my lines : 

[Image: RSKZycW.png]

In 50k , 6k lines are hits. 

[Image: BigN33B.jpeg]

Also, I repeat we agreed to the terms, just to be unique lines which he does not have in AP. He came up with his own terms of "refund money" after we delivered the product to him and worked 4 days for sorting.

He deleted the chat history, several times and deleted the pictures from the checker and said that only 5000 lines are valid out of 500k, and I just showed proof that out of 50k there were 6k valid ones, so he wants a refund and lies about the hits themselves, also I didn't guarantee any hits.

Him came with this today:
[img]blob:[/img][Image: fsvb6GT.png]

Whatever him agree him deleted all chats today... what a liar.. , proof: (here him think is smart and deleting chats will delete all proofs of conversation

[img]blob:[/img][Image: QBT6kwf.png]

Him also wanted leak what him bought , so why him open scam report for refund and "blackmailing me" with i will leak for free . kid?!
[Image: Urf5AzN.png]

Him saying every time this "i got only 5k valids" , even in screenshot are 6k, and 580k combo was mine and him was 220k "mixed"

[Image: Ofe5Ljp.png]

So here i said logs come from 2017 to 2024: (not all 2024) 

[Image: iIJIpQ5.png]

[img]blob:[/img][Image: pqFg0zZ.png]

lol , him saying himself 30% hitrate , and randomize 6kk in 2 files, so him just lying all time , him don't even checked only 500k , him checked all 6kk 
how can be 30% hitrate 5k in 500k ? how can be 30% hitrate 5k in 6kk, kid?

You deleted everytime all chats, but i saved . Let's play scammer.

@Liars @Darkness , take a look.

This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 26 February, 2024 - 07:21 PM by hydroLMN. Edited 2 times in total.)
(26 February, 2024 - 06:39 PM)theateractor Wrote: Show More
Any admin can contact me for see full conversation with him and what we agreed in deal . 

Provide everything here, and explain how come 21k$ 2024 logs worth $20

I deleted lines he sent because no point they are garbage
only skinned/ranked hits 3,8k for $300
how come this worth 21k$? and 500 customers that he haven't sold once riotgames as he said
[Image: BtHgvvp.jpeg][img]file:///D:/Default/Downloads/Telegram%20Desktop/ChatExport_2024-02-26%20(1)/photos/photo_14@26-02-2024_12-21-46.jpg[/img]
provided screenshots from logs he sent are my logs. 
Ratlogs reseller, selling over and over again same lines
Claiming to have $24k worth of ratlogs for just 2024,
12% of lines got exploded in 2 days,
3,8k skinned out of 6,8kk sounds like $20 for me and waste of proxies,
He provided screenshots and inside screenshots i told him like 5 times i mixed with mine the database thats why got some skinned hits ,  bro i showed him in chat local anti public how many from the skinned hits were mine, he dont show nothing , and what he shows he fall on it  [Image: clown2.gif] me even saying from beginning its shit even that most skinned hits were mine so imagine my database + him not even worth $50 and he asked for $300 and checking is a service i pay for proxies  , rdp, but ignore that
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 26 February, 2024 - 07:20 PM by theateractor. Edited 1 time in total.)
(26 February, 2024 - 06:48 PM)hydroLMN Wrote: Show More
(26 February, 2024 - 06:39 PM)theateractor Wrote: Show More
Any admin can contact me for see full conversation with him and what we agreed in deal . 

Provide everything here, and explain how come 21k$ 2024 logs worth $20

I deleted lines he sent because no point they are garbage
only skinned/ranked hits 3,8k for $300
how come this worth 21k$? and 500 customers that he haven't sold once riotgames as he said
[Image: BtHgvvp.jpeg][img]file:///D:/Default/Downloads/Telegram%20Desktop/ChatExport_2024-02-26%20(1)/photos/photo_14@26-02-2024_12-21-46.jpg[/img]

No point in repeating myself, you come now with 3.7k , instead of 30% hitrate before kid? Shut up you just want money back after you used full 6kk combo with 30% hitrate retard.
Also you don't told me before "FA" hits or min hits or "FA" retard.

him saying 30% hitrate in 500k , not in 6kk , how can be 3.7k ,30% hitrate? [Image: pqFg0zZ.png]fucking liar

Him deleting chats and saying " change your name " , also him making telegram groups with my usernames and telling i'm scammer , what is with this kid blackmailing and making trash sales? And terms of this deal was success completed correctly ?

Him here saying " getting 30% invalid after 2 days " ,but in real chats him got 30% hitrate VALID:

[Image: 3LIx3GG.png]

[Image: pqFg0zZ.png]
This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
hit rate means nothing  you are toxic because you know it ,
i purchased it because i saw you claimed to say you have a lot of profiles a lot of business you acted like you dont even care of the deal you told me you invest $7k a month and you are spending it for a year, so how can i think this will be bad? i trusted but got scammed
basic logic, no one would buy uniques there are many uniques at free clouds but same quality as yours , maybe you dont even spend money on clouds and you get from free and thats why all hits are banned , getting explode and worth nothing
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]
This post is by a banned member (theateractor) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 26 February, 2024 - 07:34 PM by theateractor. Edited 2 times in total.)
Him is so rertard , checker said many active and not "banned accounts" , i'm waiting for admins to see full conversation .
him saying so much is worth $20 , omg this kid is funny ,checker saying got 5k$ worth )))  [Image: lol2.gif]

him saying here 30% invalid , but on chats 30% hits valid 

him saying 3.7k lines valid now , before 5k , and on chats 6k from 500k ,(50k) , 6k x 5 = 30k lines valid in total from 500k lines , even you runned 6kk lines meaning over 200k valids but never show about this ))) and deleted all chats )) even i'm posting from history chats you saying "I can't proof nothing" , so your plan was : Delete chat history from telegran , got good combo , posting what is shit for free + getting refund )))))))))))) ?
This post is by a banned member (hydroLMN) - Unhide
5 Years of service
Told you the 30% hits were my hits and they also worth nothing i bought it lot time ago the anyways i wrote everything no need to write more, your name worth nothing you are lying on your name what a shame
[Image: QAnWfZO.gif]
[Image: UppgDws.gif]

[Image: Zaz5r6w.gif]

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