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SCAM $85 @Ping And his "Worker/Slave"

by Dreamm1 - 25 April, 2024 - 12:18 PM
This post is by a banned member (Dreamm1) - Unhide
Scammers Profile Link:
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: $85
Screenshots of Communication:
Additional Information: I messaged @Ping about buying combos he sent me contact of this guy its his worker or slave idk..
I paid $85 for UK combo he sent me something that i have already from forums and telegrams groups all hits are same when i told him about it he told me about replacement but i still didnt got even after 4 hours of waiting and he started to be rude and retarded.
I dont want any combos from him because first combo he sent it was bad and all hits i got are same from my old combos i want refund
Crypto address for a refund: Telegram
This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @Ping (Ping) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
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This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 25 April, 2024 - 04:20 PM by Atro. Edited 3 times in total.)
You don't have a report against someone you don't have a transaction with s first of all dumbass, if you want t make a report against someone unfortunately you're going to try reopening with against me. 

Ping said what he said because he knows I'm actively in the business and didn't want to deal with you - simple.

Next let's move n to the real situation. Combos are simply variable, I have vouches of people making 10x thousand dollar combos, and I have people that have been unhappy and I have fixed them all up. The moral of the story here is after all this time I have had zero reports against me you know why? 

Because I don't usually let an orderer leave until they're hpapy.

So what are some key elements that made this difference? I askked countless times for your target - let me make it clear n one cares about your dog shit target, period.

You're making an improper report seond of all, who are you reporting? Me? The person there's atransactional with? Well then leave ping's name out of it you moron, he has no money involved in it.

Third and finally I have the entire chat transcript, not only did you pay for 100k, I gave you 200k, due to me sleeping in - after that - you messaged me immediately after 10k were checked - I knew immediately what kind f shitter you were going to be i've dealt with over 5k transactions you're not special nor new to this stupidity.

I planned on compensating you, but your dumbass is blowing up my messages and calling me 3 minutes after sending money (4) hurs after I gave you my wallelt.

If you would have shut the fuck up for just long enough that I wasn't busy (a few hours extra) I woulda compensated you out of my own volition because that's how I operate, instead you made dumb threats and wouldn't stop spamming me. I got out of the hospital two days prior, you were more than compensated, it's not my issue you won't give up what you think is your private target, and on top of that - I have been sellinng data for years, where's all the reports? Oh wait there aren't any because people have hhad the brain capacity to help me help them, or in the event things didn't make them happy - they waited patiently. You lost your ability for my kidnness to be displayed. You won't be receiving anything, certainly not a refund.

Next let's look at logic: I constantly deal in transactions over a grand,  

Staff's welcome to go and look through my disc/tg - in the past week I've made a successful 750$ transaction, multiple 100$ + transactions, and even fully refunded someone that was unhappy with an 85$ order because the order was so far past the amount paid that I literally myself offeered the refund first - There seems to be an issue here with this, why am I dealing in thousands a week yet I decide to scam you, some random for 85$ (MY MINIMUM PURCHASE PRICE?). 

Not a shot big guy, repost your invalid report under the person that you're intending to report, not ping, and watch your fucking mouth talking as if i'm a dog, this simply goes down to stupidity, that's the endo f the story. So open your report against hte right person, and patiently wait to lose that one.

Edit: call mea slave again you simple minded monkey and i'll show you why your brain damage goes beyond ruining me being kind to you.
I have him blocked, reeived this after the guy realizes i woulda refunded him, when i tld him i abslutely won't he deleted it shortly after telling him he wont be receiving anyhing., possible its someone trying to capitalize? Sure, but the chances? Low.
W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 25 April, 2024 - 04:29 PM by Atro. Edited 2 times in total.)

Request to have this deleted under the pretense of an non-existent transation where zero money was exchanged against someone not involved inthe deal,and let him reopen it under me, where my response will be the same.

No refund will be given to a guy double ompensated refusing to let me help him,especially after alling me one of the most derogatory terms in existence for me,but continuing on to not realize if he just learned how to shut up for a few hours while Iwas busy  -he woulda been refunded if he asked, instead he waited for more combos - and wuld have been given them not because I needed to because it's how I operate my business, his own decisions led to me not giving him that kindness that I had zero requirement to do in the first place.. and OR overly compensated even more.  Instead he continued to yap, made threats and won't be receivinig anything from me. That's my final decision, staff's is theirs.
W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Dreamm1) - Unhide
(This post was last modified: 25 April, 2024 - 04:51 PM by Dreamm1. Edited 4 times in total.)
As we can see on screenshot @Ping sent me this message "message them about this they are gonna be more responsive than i am and handle alot of my jobs for me normally" So hes involved in this and you are his worker/slave
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 25 April, 2024 - 04:58 PM by Atro. Edited 2 times in total.)
(25 April, 2024 - 04:47 PM)Dreamm1 Wrote: Show More
As we can see on screenshot @Ping sent me this message "message them about this they are gonna be more responsive than i am and handle alot of my jobs for me normally" So hes involved in this and you are his worker/slave

Goood luck mate. Just to help your smoothbrain, the only business relationshipwe've had was ping co owning mine,so what i'llsay again is he didn'twant to deal with you. You're free to m ake a fool of yourself, but it's not gonna fly very far.

That's no longer a thing - the other tthing is you'll be hardpressed to make people believe youthat i've handled 10x the amount of money in the past few days for than your purchase that you would have been refunded fr had you assked, or overccompensated for had you shut hte fuck up for more than 30 seconds.

That ship is sailed so keep the same energy you had onthe alt you messaged me on and deleted the convo history.
W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Atro) - Unhide
2 Years of service
I'm not logging on to address this any further -ban me in the event it has the slightest bit of plausability,it doesn't. I don't do disrespect, he had a chance to be fixed up even though I had no requirement to do so. He made hiso wn bed.
W/ A heavy heart to those who were my friends here I am taking a permanent leave from the community/most of the interenet due to continuing worseening of health. Take care everyone.
This post is by a banned member (Liars) - Unhide
Staff Team
5 Years of service
@Dreamm1 Provide evidence that you seen his combolists on forums and telegrams. Do so within 24 hours. All I see is baseless accusations and no real evidence.
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