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DD Against @TheRadiant

by Lucif3rHun1 - 18 June, 2024 - 05:05 AM
This post is by a banned member (Lucif3rHun1) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 18 June, 2024 - 05:07 AM by Lucif3rHun1. Edited 2 times in total.)
Scammers Profile Link:
Sales Thread: N/A
Amount or Item(s) Scammed: 108$
Screenshots of communication: Sent to @Liars as well as @Darkness
Additional Information: So first off, I had a miscommunication/misunderstanding about the upgrade to be done on the same account, which he did not clarify with detail and proceeded with the upgrade without my confirmation on whether I needed it or not. Then I asked for a partial refund, and he said store credits which were useless, as if I didn't get the products, what's the use of it. I asked for another upgrade, but I just got an automated message but no satisfactory response, as well as the previously upgraded account was disabled, and I wasn't informed that something might happen to it, etc. Hence, I am asking for a refund if all the upgrades can't be done on the same account or if Apple One Premier can't be done.
Crypto address for a refund: TUVnzXrXa5JSBsiZNa19okAA2xERjmnmyB (USDT TRC20)
To Buy or Order Config Contact Me on:
Telegram :- Lucif3rHun1
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This post is by a banned member (Leechometer) - Unhide
5 Years of service
System bot message: @TheRadiant (TheRadiant) has been notified about this dispute via private messages and has 24hours to reply in this thread
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This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 18 June, 2024 - 05:24 AM by TheRadiant.)
You will be getting no refund

Proof 1 that you were told which upgrade is on ur acc and which one is a new acc provided:
[Image: Srzvr.png]

Proof that you later dmed me and said that you do want apple one but you want me to make new account on your mail:

[Image: Srzvt.png]

Proof that i dmed you earlier today prior to report to dm me in 3hours so that i make account on your mail as i will need codes from you:


So to summarize , you were told prior to sale how both upgrade work and you bought them later you acted shocked on how they worked so i said if you dont want it then $80 store credit take anything else and then you decided to stick with apple one and i dmed you earlier today to dm me as i would need codes from you and meanwhile you rather then dming me deemed it easier to open a bullshit dd for your own ignorance , am i missing anything here?

Apple one premier is not something which i sell and as everything was made clear to you prior to sale , either dm me as i told you on telegram so i can make your apple one or choose anything else from the stuff i sell but refund is not even a option here for you.

Thank You
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[Image: SZXzx.gif]
This post is by a banned member (Lucif3rHun1) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 18 June, 2024 - 05:44 AM by Lucif3rHun1. Edited 1 time in total.)
It's magic how you do not respond and make up proofs yourself and the second I make a report, you are up. Don't make a fool out of yourself.

And did you see I wrote misunderstanding on my part?, I clearly wrote music, tv and 2tb on same acc, if it can't be done then you could have clarified and asked for what to be done but anyways you proceeded with what you usually do. Then the music and Tv upgrade I got got disabled/unusable. So expecting a full refund if you can't do music+tv or do that and refund me the 80$ on my crypto, don't need store credit.

Note: I was waiting for the upgrade for apple one as well but then I found a seller who sells Apple Premier which is exactly what I want and you being you were not even responding so hence the DD against you.
To Buy or Order Config Contact Me on:
Telegram :- Lucif3rHun1
Discord :- Lucif3rHun1(1091695294632169524)
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This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Yea you finding a seller who sells apple premier is not my concern
Apple tv + music i will check
as of now as you are disputing the remaining $80 and i have already provided the proof of telling everything prior to sale which i quote i said :

"apple tv + music will be new private acc and 2tb on own

apple tv + music is 35
Apple 2tb is 100

135-20% = 108"

i will wait 2tb on own meaning it will be on existing acc while apple tv and music will be a new acc , anyway not gonna be replying to this any further as i dont think their is anything to discuss , lets wait for the admins

Running for more then 2year Upgrades of 150+ Services Done By Us 20000+ Customers 
[Image: SZXzx.gif]
This post is by a banned member (Lucif3rHun1) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 18 June, 2024 - 08:45 AM by Lucif3rHun1. Edited 1 time in total.)
Bro you need to specify, 'on own' doesn't really mean that if it's a new account it can't be done on it. 'apple tv + music will be new private acc and 2tb on own' You wrote this, which means I will need new account for the music+tv and 2tb can be done on existing account. But I wanted all on same new account only, for which I had provided email as well,'same acc','Music tv and 2tb'. Which you could not do even after I wrote the same exact thing. Which is where you should have clarified that that this is not how it works but you proceeded to do music+tv on random email. And I am disputing whole 108$ as the music+tv is disabled.
To Buy or Order Config Contact Me on:
Telegram :- Lucif3rHun1
Discord :- Lucif3rHun1(1091695294632169524)
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This post is by a banned member (TheRadiant) - Unhide
2 Years of service
(This post was last modified: 18 June, 2024 - 12:32 PM by TheRadiant.)
Yea , absolutely not the dispute is still at $80 for apple one because i clearly said which anyone can read screenshot that apple one is on existing acc and apple tv + music is a new private acc and you also know thats what i said becuase thats the only reason you later on when i gave store credit said that do apple one family , now you are acting like you got scammed and all is because you have found someone who is selling you apple one premier but again not my concern

Regarding apple tv + music , it was delivered and the account isnt disabled rather its info has been changed but that i will recover and resend it to you , before you claim you didnt change info or you didnt have mail access , everything was sent to you in dms

Whenever a admin is free please look at the screenshots and close this as the customer was clearly told about how it works and later on wanted apple one family and is just disputing as he found someone selling apple one premier which isnt my concern.


Edit: Apple music + tv wasnt on random mail but a temp mail of which u had full access so you can change info to your own later which as i see you did and are claiming the account is disabled , its a standard practice to use tempmails if a upgrade is on a newly made account as i would need codes to make the account + thats the only reason i needed u online for apple one family as you didnt provide a account rather wanted me to make one and it needs codes from you
Running for more then 2year Upgrades of 150+ Services Done By Us 20000+ Customers 
[Image: SZXzx.gif]
This post is by a banned member (Lucif3rHun1) - Unhide
2 Years of service
Please let me be clear, if you are able to read my messages I never said you have scammed me. It's dissatisfactory service from your end.

And it's totally your concern to do the deal as soon as possible, and if you are unable to do then refund. And I was making a compromise earlier for store credit as I was banned on forum previously due to some reason couldn't make any DD, but now when I see no response from you what so ever I have every right to make a DD an claim my part.
To Buy or Order Config Contact Me on:
Telegram :- Lucif3rHun1
Discord :- Lucif3rHun1(1091695294632169524)
Vouch :- Click Me

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