Voot is an Indian subscription video on demand (SVOD) service. Voot is available only in India, and hosts over 40,000 hours of video content that includes shows from channels like MTV, Nickelodeon and Colors. Content is also available in multiple languages like Kannada, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu and Tamil.
(06 April, 2020 - 04:26 PM)arman2k19 Wrote: Show More
Voot is an Indian subscription video on demand (SVOD) service. Voot is available only in India, and hosts over 40,000 hours of video content that includes shows from channels like MTV, Nickelodeon and Colors. Content is also available in multiple languages like Kannada, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu and Tamil.
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Thanks for hard work.....thanks for sharing it.....
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(06 April, 2020 - 04:26 PM)arman2k19 Wrote: Show More
Voot is an Indian subscription video on demand (SVOD) service. Voot is available only in India, and hosts over 40,000 hours of video content that includes shows from channels like MTV, Nickelodeon and Colors. Content is also available in multiple languages like Kannada, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu and Tamil.
Leeching will result in BANNING YOUR ACCOUNT
:Amusing: :FeelsStrongMan:
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