OP 30 May, 2020 - 01:13 AM
Scammer Profile Link: https://Cracked.to/Outcall3d
Sales Thread: https://cracked.to/Thread-Supreme-VOUCHE...XIES-BY-GB (Could Only find one)
Amount of Items scammed: 2
Screenshots of Communication:https://gyazo.com/ba74521a2a6a2b5569ecc72dff5a9177
Additional info: So the basics here are I purchased proxies and Combos From him, I purchased 100k and got a 50k extra, when I first checked with his Proxies with his Combo, I got around 16 hits, The next day I rechecked with Smart Proxy and got 1000 Minecraft his, Only problem is that only 20 of those are SFA which shows its Public and you could ask any Minecraft cracker if SFA are lows it means public and they would say true, he gave me 100k replacement. Yet 0 hits with his proxies and around 20 hits with smart proxy. I ask him to bind back to my IP he said his "proxies has a problem and No." From my interpretation it meant he wouldn't change it anyways if proxies were up. I said Ok I'll make a scam report and he blocked me and banned me on his discord server. Some people also said his proxies are very bad and he was banned from a discord server he was partnered with as he scammed other people with bad proxies. He says we have to use 8 retries as well. Which then what's the point of these proxies if we could just use free proxies. So I'm here requesting for my 20 euro refund. As I paid 12,57 € and 5.24€ which will equal around 20 euros but id like refunds for those Sent by Friends And Family.
If I made a mistake that I didn't catch Please Let me Know.
Sales Thread: https://cracked.to/Thread-Supreme-VOUCHE...XIES-BY-GB (Could Only find one)
Amount of Items scammed: 2
Screenshots of Communication:https://gyazo.com/ba74521a2a6a2b5569ecc72dff5a9177
Additional info: So the basics here are I purchased proxies and Combos From him, I purchased 100k and got a 50k extra, when I first checked with his Proxies with his Combo, I got around 16 hits, The next day I rechecked with Smart Proxy and got 1000 Minecraft his, Only problem is that only 20 of those are SFA which shows its Public and you could ask any Minecraft cracker if SFA are lows it means public and they would say true, he gave me 100k replacement. Yet 0 hits with his proxies and around 20 hits with smart proxy. I ask him to bind back to my IP he said his "proxies has a problem and No." From my interpretation it meant he wouldn't change it anyways if proxies were up. I said Ok I'll make a scam report and he blocked me and banned me on his discord server. Some people also said his proxies are very bad and he was banned from a discord server he was partnered with as he scammed other people with bad proxies. He says we have to use 8 retries as well. Which then what's the point of these proxies if we could just use free proxies. So I'm here requesting for my 20 euro refund. As I paid 12,57 € and 5.24€ which will equal around 20 euros but id like refunds for those Sent by Friends And Family.
If I made a mistake that I didn't catch Please Let me Know.