OP 24 June, 2020 - 12:30 PM
so homies ayy, the negative reputation gave to kids shouldn't be removed with a lie when you click the report button..
i saw few kids who had negative reputation from me but now seems they have not that rep anymore..
i mean, i rep'ed neg them with a reason, im not dumb lmao
The report button from reputation should be renamed in "Contest" and it should redirect you to a special section which should be made regarding reputations received.
There should be like "scam report" section.. you have to fill a form coming with proofs that you got rep'ed neg without a reason..
Also the victim could make a "reputation report" against someone tagging him there, ofc he needs to come with proofs why he rep'ed him neg..
i hope you got it, you know what i mean.. should be applied same system at scam reports..
a kid is crying and swearing on sb/threads, got rep neg then report it saying a lie and the reputation was removed by moderators tru a magic trick, wtf 2020 :pepegun:
+1 if you feel me homie
i saw few kids who had negative reputation from me but now seems they have not that rep anymore..
i mean, i rep'ed neg them with a reason, im not dumb lmao
The report button from reputation should be renamed in "Contest" and it should redirect you to a special section which should be made regarding reputations received.
There should be like "scam report" section.. you have to fill a form coming with proofs that you got rep'ed neg without a reason..
Also the victim could make a "reputation report" against someone tagging him there, ofc he needs to come with proofs why he rep'ed him neg..
i hope you got it, you know what i mean.. should be applied same system at scam reports..
a kid is crying and swearing on sb/threads, got rep neg then report it saying a lie and the reputation was removed by moderators tru a magic trick, wtf 2020 :pepegun:
+1 if you feel me homie