LIKE MY THREADLIKE MY THREADLIKE MY THREADLIKE MY THREADLIKE MY THREADLIKE MY ||||Hold windows key and r or just search on windows search "run" and type : C:\Program Files\WinRAR to get into the WinRAR directory.||||
...... Copy and paste the rarreg.key into this directory and confirm it as admin.
.... Done
(08 November, 2022 - 02:17 PM)Ddarknotevil Wrote: Show More
LIKE MY THREADLIKE MY THREADLIKE MY THREADLIKE MY THREADLIKE MY THREADLIKE MY ||||Hold windows key and r or just search on windows search "run" and type : C:\Program Files\WinRAR to get into the WinRAR directory.||||
...... Copy and paste the rarreg.key into this directory and confirm it as admin.
.... Done