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by Kreds - 19 July, 2023 - 01:35 PM
This post is by a banned member (Kreds) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 11 December, 2023 - 02:01 PM by Kreds. Edited 1 time in total.)
This post is by a banned member (Borb1337) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(21 July, 2023 - 05:11 PM)Kreds Wrote: Show More
(21 July, 2023 - 01:43 AM)Borb1337 Wrote: Show More
(20 July, 2023 - 10:26 PM)Kreds Wrote: Show More
Yet another reply, yet another flop, ur so delusional buddy, i feel bad for u honestly.
Your lil brain could only think of a comeback as "if anything you copied me"? XD we launched MONTHS ago you idiot lol.
of course you dont have any screenshots, all you have is a copycat service to your name [Image: kappa.png]
noone ever said that someone wasnt refunded? how can you be this retarded lol? thats really all you have for a comeback? get this into your head though, you are nothing more than a copy of cupid, that guy Ebbe by the way, still hasnt paid us back, and even then we didnt chargeback lol, he got free money, and u my friend are an idiot once again.
With every reply i will destroy you more and more and people who read this will know what kind of a service ur running [Image: wink.png]

Once again, proof that the full extend was indeed told of what work you will do :
 Did you also forget the part where you made discord alts and advertised on my server?  [Image: biggrin.png]  [Image: biggrin.png]
 You have yet to provide any proof that you had this design before I made it, and as shown by your screenshot there was no mention of setting up the GPU server and integrating that including setting up models and everything else. Also, your business isn't very unique, do you think the following sites copied you too?
Because all of these sites are capable of doing exactly what CupidAI does.
The claim you are making is that I copied your design, not the underlying technology (which is open source).
The only proof needed that you copied us is your website you idiot lmfao, you use the same logo, text, features, everything, you must be really delusional to think otherwise, thats the exact reason why your discord is empty and the only members you had were from my community, which were clowning you for a blatant attempt to copy cupid lmfao

You have yet to provide any proof that you had this design before I made it.
This post is by a banned member (Kreds) - Unhide
1 Year of service
(This post was last modified: 11 December, 2023 - 02:02 PM by Kreds. Edited 1 time in total.)
This post is by a banned member (Borb1337) - Unhide
5 Years of service
(22 July, 2023 - 12:43 PM)Kreds Wrote: Show More
(22 July, 2023 - 12:12 AM)Borb1337 Wrote: Show More
(21 July, 2023 - 05:11 PM)Kreds Wrote: Show More
The only proof needed that you copied us is your website you idiot lmfao, you use the same logo, text, features, everything, you must be really delusional to think otherwise, thats the exact reason why your discord is empty and the only members you had were from my community, which were clowning you for a blatant attempt to copy cupid lmfao

You have yet to provide any proof that you had this design before I made it.

Are you a fucking moron lol? The only person that believes you didnt copy cupid is you, noone else  [Image: kek.png] [Image: kek.png]

I have provided proof that I made that design before your new site, you keep yapping without providing any proof to the contrary.

I will post my proof again,

Since I guess I missed it the first time you said it, to answer your question of "why is the git and the folder named cupidai?".
I made this design for CupidAI initially, but it was never paid for & I left, you then got another developer to copy it based on the screenshots that you had.

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