(11 March, 2020 - 04:56 PM)Darkness Wrote: Show More@
deluded you have 24hrs to do a partial refund of 1/3 to him, which is 15$.
Understood, before refunding him I'd like for you @
Darkness to read what I have to say about the damage and prove that he as gotten the Likes he would've gotten if he used another service other than mine.
Before sending it, I'd like to inform both you, Zoniz and future customers reading this.
Everyone that buys membership on SMMStorm automatically accepts the Terms of Service.
When buying you are prompted with this window:
The text: "
Please carefully read the Terms Of Service before buying! By purchasing anything from Storm you automatically agree to the terms!! Terms Of Service can be found here: http://bit.ly/SMMToS"
A part of the Terms of Service:
"No refunds will be made to your payment method. After a deposit has been completed, there is no way to reverse it. You agree that once you complete a payment, you will not file a dispute or a chargeback against us for any reason. If you file a dispute or charge-back against us after a deposit, we reserve the right to terminate all future orders, ban you from our site. We also reserve the right to take away any likes we delivered to your or your clients. Fraudulent activity such as using unauthorized or stolen credit cards will lead to termination of your account. There are no exceptions."
We also have the rights to terminate any account breaking our ToS, which Zoniz did in this case. If that is not enough, after arguing with this guy and trying to resolve it without start a scam report I said this: ( Screenshot proof:
https://i.imgur.com/5HDMHTO.png )
Opening a scam report will result in you not being eligible for a refund, at all. I'd also like to inform you that in case of a chargeback happening or scamreport being opened I am allowed to terminate your account. There has never in my 1.5 years happened a chargeback that I didn't win, since my Terms Of Service specifically says I am allowed to terminate a individuals account if they abuse our service. With that said, feel free to choose how you want to proceed from now on."
Before this Zoniz said this:
"thats it
Ill accept it but Ill open the scam report Iam sorry"
This means, that even if I were to refund this person I would have a scam report started, that's when I had enough. I can not grasp that I have to refund this person, after the enormous damage he has caused to us, which I clearly proved and explained. He can't form a simple sentence before sending a new message, I almost can't comprehend what he is trying to say. Clearly abusing my service when I've proved he had proper knowledge about the rules trough Discord message and the ToS, begging to refund full amount, causing damage that cost $xx, respond like he is talking to a dog not even trying to make sense and totally ignoring my messages.
Pure bullshit, I've done absolutely nothing wrong at all but I still have to be the one paying this guy back. I have in my response provided all the details to back up my statement about not being in the wrong here.
If that is not enough, I'll provide even more proof that he is in the "profit" in terms of what he paid for. He has sent a total of 32 800 likes and 40k views, let's calculate what that would cost if he used a normal SMM Panel for Instagram likes. (Proof he sent those likes can be found in this post:
https://cracked.to/Thread-SCAM-REPORT-AG...pid7225447 )
This is a screenshot from a famous panel called AMP-SMM.Service
We can ignore the first two, he sent 6k likes to one picture which means a limit at 4K and 5K is out of the question. ( Check the green color, adds up to a total of 6K
Let us calculate is shall we, if we were to use the most expensive likes on the list we would end up at a racking:
32 800 / 1000 = 32.8
32.8 * 2.76 = $
That means, if he were to use a normal SMM Panel he would've paid
$90, instead he gets the same service for a total of ($43 - $15 =)
$28!! This guy just got the same service for 1/3 of the price, thanks to abusing the system and opening a scam report.
Now obviously this guy wouldn't choose the most expensive one, let's look at the cheapest one on the list.
32 800 / 1000 = 32.8
32.8 * 1.2 =
Let's calculate this as well, he pays $43 and get's a refund at $15 that's ($43 - $15 =)
$28 which means he got away with $11 and all the likes. How can this be fair to me as a seller?
The only fair thing for us both would be to not refund this guy, he has gotten the likes at the same price he would by using a normal SMM Panel.
If that is not enough, he clearly says in the conversation that he will open a scam report even though he gets a refund? What is the purpose of opening a scam report and asking for a refund now? If you weren't accepting a refund anyway because you would open it whether or not you got a refund?
I'd also like to take the opportunity to let the person reading this to know that I've gotten at least over 15 customers from Cracked alone since opening the sale thread 2 months ago, how come no one else has started a dispute? How come Zoniz is the only person having issues with the service?
What would happen if I start a scam report on Zoniz for abusing my system to the point where I can no longer use it? It would be great if he could pay for the damage that he caused, well aware when doing it, so I don't have to pay for it myself.
Taking this into consideration with the enormously bad behaviour from @Zoniz and inability to communicate with me as a seller when trying to resolve it, do you really think I should refund this guy? He has gotten the service as he would at a normal SMM Panel, meaning his money was used in a way he wanted it, Instagram Likes.
Is it really fair to refund him? After the damage that he has cost me which I haven't even taken into the calculation above?
I beg to differ!