(29 May, 2020 - 08:30 PM)Hans69 Wrote: Show More@
renul0 Those were sold as Fortnite Combos right ?
I deleted chat,maybe he has ss of that.
When someone asks me for combos, I ask which target, he said fortnite, so I sold him these combos from this db , the same db that fortnite crackers come back to buy again
(29 May, 2020 - 08:36 PM)Awpfreak02 Wrote: Show Moreok one thing i wanna make clear if i wanted to buy normal target combos i would have only paid 10$ as it says on ur thread but u said that i had to pay 25$ for the uhq fortnite combos and now u r literally going against ur words saying its good for all other target sites like .... the hell
I didn't say these are "uhq" , sad liar. ; But I don't sell combos for a target until I know/I assume it does good ; He just doesn't know to use it
The only thing that I probably said is that this base is what other fortnite crackers liked.
He bought gaming data, he received gaming data.
Now his friends are spamming my dms lmao, it's so sad how these scammers are taken seriously
Even if you think that he is not a scammer, this is a non sense scam report.